The Bullet Farmer's Daughter

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Title: The Bullet Farmer's Daughter
Author(s): GoeticDisciple/CK Artille
Date(s): June 2015 to April 2016
Length: 66,199
Genre(s): worldbuilding, drama, oc
Fandom(s): Mad Max: Fury Road
External Links: The Bullet Farmer's Daughter at AO3 Author's tumblr

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Cover of the printed version of the fic with cover art by JR Fleming

The Bullet Farmer's Daughter is a Mad Max fanfic. The story follows the life of Caliber Kalashnikov, the daughter of one of the movie's antagonists, as she navigates the world both before and after the events of Mad Max: Fury Road. Caliber became a well-liked original character and in 2018, she was nominated for the Mad Max Fanfic Awards for "Original Characters Who Should be Canon" (the story also received a nomination for best worldbuilding). Author GoeticDisciple/CK Artille dressed up as Caliber Kalashnikov for the 2018 Wasteland Weekend.[1]

A print version was created by the author in 2018.[2]


Not all Wastelanders wanted the Immortan's reign to end... The world is in chaos. The Warlords are dead. Furiosa struggles to find her footing as leader of this new world. One woman, raised on a diet of brutality, politics and lust, rages against the change. Someone must restore order, and by god and gunpowder, it will be her. Armed with her memories and an Abrams tank, she embarks on a journey to the darkest, driest depths the Waste has to offer. She is Caliber Kalashnikov... The Bullet Farmer's Daughter.[3]

Reactions and Reviews

God, I love this fic. Your OC's are very well written, as are the existing characters. I love the relationship between Rictus and Cal, and I love seeing Joe's human side, it's very well written and presented as believable, reading with glasses and being sweet, yet still full of raw power. I would love to see Joe supporting Cal and Ricuts getting together as Gigabomb wrote, but that's just me being giddy. I love the Bullet Farmer's portrayal, and you have helped me get a clear image what the Bullet Farm is like. -ImmortanJoeFan

Holy mole'! I just binge-read the entire fuk-ushima oh-so-chrome story -- and what a high-caliber work this is! I love the well-conceived OCs, in the setting entirely faithful to the source; and the character development of the secondary, but very intriguing canonic figures such as Kalashnikov. And I really love your story-telling technique, flashing forward and back in time; and yet we, the readers, always know exactly where we are in the narrative. -FreyaRides

Confession time. I check this website every single day to see if you've written a new chapter. It's part of my web-browsing routine, so naturally, I was REALLY excited when I checked this morning and Chapter 9 was already up! I have to give you major props for updating as regularly as you do. I know it can't be easy, but somehow you manage and I am eternally grateful. Anyway, onto the review. Poor Pa! I felt Cal's nausea as you described the Bullet Farmer's injuries, especially the part about a long strip of scalp being peeled off. Yikes! This line (the sight chambered another round of nausea in the barrel of Cal’s throat) made me think: WOW! You depict even the simplest of things (like feeling grossed out for example) in a very creative way. A lesser writer probably wouldn't bother using such expressive words, which is a shame since they add so much to a story. -Fan of The Bullet Farmer's Daughter


  1. ^ 2018 Wasteland Weekend Accessed October 24, 2018.
  2. ^ It's Here. Accessed October 24, 2018.
  3. ^ From the back cover of the printed version of the story.