The Boreal Chronicles

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Title: The Boreal Chronicles
Author(s): Ceres Wunderkind
Date(s): c. June 2005 - c. Dec 2006 (?)
Length: 16 works
Fandom(s): His Dark Materials
External Links: Series, FFN

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The Boreal Chronicles is an epic His Dark Materials fic series by Ceres Wunderkind.

Reactions and Reviews

I hope this story was as fun for you to write as it was for me to read. I had to read it slowly because I am not familiar with old English slang, but for me, that was part of the fun.

I really like the way you explore the ways that people in Lyra's world exploit the human-daemon link to inflict humiliation and punishment and to deter escape by the workhouse inmates. On a related point, your description of the Crucifixion of Jesus in Lyra's world was very well thought out. The people of Lyra's world may "never be alone," because they have their daemons; but they appear to be vulnerable in ways that the people of Will's (our) world can't even begin to imagine. This is something that I wish Mr. Pullman would have emphsized more in his stories.

Though I am a late arrival to the fanfiction hobby, I can't wait to read more of your stories, time permitting.

The Watcher[1]

He's a wordsmith and weighs all the moral issues: every one of his works is a gem, with not a word wasted.



  1. ^ Review (2008)
  2. ^ Rec on TV Tropes