The Blood of Olympus: A Heroes of Olympus Fanfiction

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Title: The Blood of Olympus: A Heroes of Olympus Fanfiction
Author(s): foreverskysong
Date(s): Dec 18, 2013 - Dec 20, 2014
Length: 352,000+ words, 110 chapters
Fandom(s): Heroes of Olympus
External Links: FFN, Archived version

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The Blood of Olympus: A Heroes of Olympus Fanfiction is a Heroes of Olympus fic by foreverskysong. It has almost 9,000 reviews, the most of any Percy Jackson fic on, and was posted over the course of one year. The sequel continues in Year of Nightmares

Summary and Context

Annabeth and Percy are finally out of Tartarus, and Nico, Reyna, and Coach Hedge are on their way to deliver the Athena Parthenos and hopefully stop the two camps from fighting. The demigods of the Argo II face different dangers, though, as they sail along the Greek coast through the Ionian Sea. Will they make it to Athens in time? Or will they be too late?


The work was begun during the wait for The Blood of Olympus, the final book of Heroes of Olympus. In the story's authors notes, the author adopts a chatty with readers style. The author might have been 15-16 over the course of posting the story, or younger. The high review count might be due to the chatting between readers taking place in the review section.

Reactions and Reviews

Dude, I know you wrote this a long time ago; however: THIS IS SO GOOD! I'm on about chapter 22. I love how you write the characters. You're so in them with their characters and personalities. I love how you make Percy very powerful without overpowering him. I honestly wish this story was cannon sometimes. I know you probably don't even check this anymore, but just so you know I love this story so much and you're an amazing writer.


This is on of my favorite stories. It is so hard to believe that this was written before The Blood of Olympus! I love this fanfiction story more than the real Blood of Olympus by Rick Riordan. This story is written beautifully. Sometimes I forget that I was reading a fanfiction not the real Heroes of Olympus. I am planning on rereading this story again. This story is truly one of my favorite fanfiction story ever. This is a must read for every Percy Jackson and the Olympians and The Heroes of Olympus fans. Great job with this work of art...


I... I can't even tell you how many times in this story, I had to stop reading this chapter because I couldn't breathe or see because I was crying so much... It was so hard to keep me from full out sobbing and try to keep my cries from coming out and making myself heard by my family. They probably think I'm crazy... no they probably think I'm going mental crying over this chapter as if one of my loved ones died, but the truth is that PJ and HOO as one of my many blocks in my pile of loved ones... It may sound quite sad to people that I feel this way, but I really can't help it... but my point is Thank You for making me realize that live can be cruel, one day you are having the most amazing life ever and the next thing life comes and snatches it all from you, making your world fall to dust like a monster being killed... Thank You again for your lovely writing... I'll take this to heart, author in training... P.S LOVED YOUR STORY!


This is just incredible. I haven't reviewed much as I don't have an account, but I'm going to try and make a concious decision to review more often(even if the story is already completed). : ) Honestly, your character portrayal is so spot on I would be surprised if you were actually Unkle Rickie in disguise(even though you've made it clear several times that your not). I especially loved when Percy described what happened all in one breath. It just seems like something he would do. I greatly appreciate you proper use grammar and sentence structure, as well as your frequent updating(from what I can tell in your author's notes). After I finish this I will definitely read some of your other fanfics. Thank you this engenious work of art. It's the best cause of sleep deprivation possible : ) 3

