The Bee-Charmer

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Title: The Bee-Charmer
Author(s): Hth
Date(s): 2005
Genre(s): het
Fandom(s): Stargate Atlantis
External Links: at AO3

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The Bee-Charmer is a Stargate Atlantis Ronan/Teyla story by Hth.

Reactions and Reviews

It's easy to characterise Ronon as nothing but a tough guy with little in the way of personality. Luckily, Hth doesn't do that here. Even better than the Ronon/Teyla, which is nice but not key to the fic, is the exploration of each of the characters and how they fit (or otherwise) into Atlantis. There's a couple of places I laughed out loud, too *g* [1]

An excellent Teyla/Ronon story, with great portraits of both characters. Originally posted as part of SGA_Santa in 2005, during the first year Ronon was on the team. The slow, languid build up and gentle approach really appealed to romance readers, yet at the same time, its strong 'real world' tone appealed to readers that liked more canon-based stories.[2]

I am at a loss as to how to describe this fic. Part of me boggles at the lack of Ronon/Teyla fic from the fandom, the other part of me is boggling that such a perfect, brilliant fic exists like I had hoped it would. The Teyla voice is amazing here, the balance between a gentle, almost simple person and the complex warrior she also is. The Athosian part of her, the part that's so different from the people from Earth, the way their two cultures are so different, the way she sees/reflects on them in that way that's exactly like the series. The sense of an actual culture here that isn't being shied away from or glossed over in the background, the way it feels like the characters have stepped right out of the series. The absolutely flat-out brilliant insights into both her character and Ronon's character, the way they both are not quite sure where they belong. The way Ronon is so very Ronon as viewed through her eyes, the way every single inch of this fic, every last inch of it, is richly detailed and done to perfection. I was very nearly breathless with love for this fic, it was exactly what I needed at exactly the right time.[3]


  1. ^ rec at Crack Van, February 2006
  2. ^ from the Ronon Dex Fanlore page
  3. ^ "Batman, Jem, SGA, UltX-Men, X-Men, YA, Supernatural". Archived from the original on 2023-09-25.