The Albatross (Dexter story)

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Title: The Albatross
Author(s): LouBlue
Date(s): July 28, 2013 - December 21, 2013
Length: c. 102,000 (30 Chapters)
Genre(s): Mature, Romance, Angst, Drama, Hurt/Comfort
Fandom(s): Dexter (TV)
External Links: at FFN

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The Albatross is a Dexter/Debra fanfic by LouBlue.


The story is set during Season 8 Episode 4 "Scar Tissue", and then takes an alternate universe turn.

Dexter has a late night visitor.
"Maybe this is the lull before the inevitable storm between us. I don't care because for right now I can close my eyes and convince myself that nothing has changed between us and everything that has happened in the last year was just a bad dream..."

Main Characters:


"Set around 8x04 and at 15 chapters and counting this fic gives the reader lots of Deb and Dexter interaction. Though soapier than I usually like and with a few typos, there is something nice about getting lost in a long story. The author has a good grasp on all the characters voices, and there's lots of dialogue. This one serves as a lengthy distraction from the sadness that comes from a favorite show ending."[1]

"I truly love how sassy and quick you've made Harrison. He's quite smart and I think it's a great nod to the people he's had in his life up until now - Dexter, Debra, even Jamie. There are spots of innocence in him too, which remind me of Rita.... I enjoyed Vogel's appearance here. Very simple, yet her role as maternal figure/therapist was well suited and I appreciate her ability to redirect Dexter when he needs it. ...Listening to Dexter's internal monologue was devastating here - more so than you have written in the past. I think back to the beginning when you had him liken Debra to a firefly, trapped in a jar - and how you had Vogel liken him (to Debra) to the Velveteen Rabbit, and I just pictured him having this revelation at the worst possible time in the worst possible place. ...Debra waking up, clearly experiencing a PTSD attack - I was gutwrenched."[2]

"Aww Lou this was wonderful :) One of my favorite Dexter fics out here. I'm glad you wrote it. I would've enjoyed ...more of a cementing of Deb and Dexter's relationship, but I was really really happy that Dexter is focusing his darkness ... Dark, I know, but its a constant on Dexter's character. It has been a wonderful journey to be on with you for such a long time! Thank you so much! I love the darkness it maintains while also allowing for that wonderful comedy we missed so much from earlier seasons.... Plus, your image of Vogel was always pretty darn amazing! I'm sad we didn't get to hear from her before it ended. Again though, thanks for all the magnificent cliffhangers! Laughs and anxiety atacks! Those all constitute wonderful writing :)"[3]

"Great story! Stayed mainly Debster-centric throughout with good dialogue and characterization. Kind of went off the rails ... but thankfully the story recovered with the return of the big bad. Intense scenes, a happy ending, and a fun, appropriate twist. Thanks for this!"[4]


  1. ^ kathrynthegr8. Het Reccers. Posted 26 Sept 2013. (Accessed 22 April 2014)
  2. ^ PSiwrotethis. FFN. Posted 21 Dec 2013. (Accessed 22 April 2014)
  3. ^ Writingisfunlol. FFN. Posted 7 Jan 2014. (Accessed 22 April 2014)
  4. ^ IOException. FFN. Posted 11 Jan 2014. (Accessed 22 April 2014)