That He Will

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Title: That He Will
Author(s): grace_fully/standing fic
Date(s): 2008
Length: 2,406 words
Fandom(s): J2
External Links: story at LJ, Archived version; podfic version

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That He Will is a J2 story written by grace_fully. It was selected to be part of petite madame's J2-S&D Calendar Wallpaper Project. The story is an exercise in writing in the 2nd person.

Summary: Jared is patient. he nearly cracks, but he is patient.


It's awesome, absolutely heart-breaking and mind-blowing. No more words - just feelings and extreme happiness. On the edge of everything so deep inside..[1]

I was intrigued when the challenge you were trying to meet. I think you did a fantastic job with it, a great stream of consciousness that gives me a Jared that is trying so hard (and succeeding) in being a good person."[2]

This is gorgeous! I don't really know how to put it in words or why it is, but this is intimate and it feels almost delicate. Like in "traditional" POV everything is filtered through the POV character, but this here is Jared—we're not told anything, but he's telling himself—and we get to see all of him. If that makes any sense."[3]

Damn. The thing about second-person POV is, we're not trained to read it as transparent. We're taught it's experimental, so the writer using it has to be so careful not to lose the sense in the style. Once again, you've written a story in such a way that it reads as though there's no other way this story could be told, no other way this love could be conveyed, no other way the reader could be swallowed up and really experience Jared's state of mind, which is the entire point. The style is so effective that the last line hits like a near explosion, cracking the reader open with Jared's joy: Try not to explode when he assures you, you did everything right. You, in this story, did everything right.[4]

Fan Art Gallery

Below is the fanart created for this story.


  1. ^ comment in the story post, Archived version dated July 10th, 2008.
  2. ^ comment in the story post, Archived version dated July 10th, 2008.
  3. ^ comment in the story post, Archived version dated Nov 11,2010.
  4. ^ comment in the story post, Archived version dated October 27th, 2009.