That's Not A Problem (You Had Foreseen)

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Title: That's Not A Problem (You Had Foreseen)
Author(s): dreamingwriter
Date(s): 12 November 2010
Length: 3,647 words
Genre(s): slash fanfiction, Daemon AU
Fandom(s): Hawaii Five-0
External Links: That's Not A Problem (You Had Foreseen) (LJ)

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That's Not A Problem (You Had Foreseen) is a Steve/Danny story by dreamingwriter.

Summary: Steve meets Danny. Things go from there. Daemon (His Dark Materials) AU.

Author's notes:

Author's Note: So, I wrote a Hawaii Five-0/His Dark Materials AU crossover thing. This is a good Daemon primer to read before reading this fic, though I'm mostly disregarding 5 and the sleeping part of 9 for reasons that may/will become obvious later on. Um, there's some stuff that's evolved from other fandom daemon!fic as well. Also switched how they find out about Chin and his family so it happens earlier, but that's hardly mentioned, ha. Images of the daemons are linked in the fic.

Recs and Reviews

Why You Should Read This: First there aren’t nearly enough cross overs with His Dark Materials and second because the characterizations are very good. The voices of Danny and Steve resonate in the material and their Daemons are thoughtfully created and fully realized characters in their own right.[1]

This fic is brilliant. Dreamingwriter uses two of the most enjoyable parts of canon (Steve & Danny's arguments/banter and how everyone assumes they're together) and emphasizes them using daemons. We see just why people don't believe Steve when he says there's nothing going on because we see how Steve and Danny's daemons act together. It's a perfect addition: when everyone can see how their souls interact, their ongoing denial becomes even more unbelievable. This fic is short and cute, emphasizing how two people in love will always end up together. It's the perfect fic rec for Valentine's Day. ♥[2]
