Supergiant Games

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Name: Supergiant Games
Date(s): 2009–
Profit/Nonprofit: For profit
Country based in: USA
Focus: Video Games
External Links: Official website, Wikipedia article
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Supergiant Games is a small American video game studio founded in 2009 by Amir Rao and Gavin Simon. Its video games have a distinct visual and narrative style, and it is best known in fandom for having produced and published Bastion, Transistor, Pyre, and Hades.


Supergiant Games caught fans' attention early on with its first video game offering, 2011's Bastion. Bastion developed a small but active fandom, a pattern that would continue with each subsequent Supergiant game until 2020's release of Hades, which was a massive hit both critically and in fandom.

In late 2020, Supergiant published a statement on its fan merchandise policy, explicitly permitting fans to create fanart and merch with Supergiant IP so long as the resulting fanworks were not mass-produced or mass-distributed. This announcement was accompanied by guidelines that made it clear that fans were, for example, permitted to produce limited quantities of hand-made merchandise to sell online or at cons.[1] Many Hades fans lauded this policy, which is unusual in an industry characterized by large corporations heavily policing their IP, and made use of it to sell fan-made apparel, plushies, art prints, stickers, enamel pins, and more.


  1. ^ Policy on Fan Merchandise (Dec 16, 2020). Blog post. Supergiant Games. Accessed May 2, 2024. (archive link)