Stealing Harry

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Title: Stealing Harry
Author(s): copperbadge
Date(s): early 2004
Length: 99,937 words
Genre(s): raising harry, slash romance, adventure
Fandom(s): Harry Potter
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Stealing Harry is a Remus/Sirius fanfic by copperbadge.

Reactions and Reviews

A fabulous AU where Sirius didn't go to Azkaban, Remus works in Sirius' bookstore, and together they rescue an 8-year-old Harry from the Dursleys and raise him on their own with help from the Weasleys and, of all people, Severus Snape. A charming fic showing bits of Hogwarts before Harry's era, many familiar faces and canon elements, dangers of various sorts, an adorable-yet-wise child!Harry and, of course, Sirius and Remus. Love, friendship and family make this a story to read again and again.[1]
