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Title: Spun
Author(s): capildissexy
Date(s): December 12, 2015
Length: 54,597 words
Genre(s): Explicit - Language & Sexual Content, Romance, Fluff and Smut, Love triangle, Same-actor crossover
Fandom(s): Doctor Who/The Thick of It crossover
External Links: Spun (AO3)

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Spun is a Doctor/Clara & Clara/Malcolm Tucker fic by capildissexy. Same-actor crossover of Peter Capildi.


After Death in Heaven, Clara is at loose ends until she meets a man who looks exactly like the doctor, notorious spin doctor, Malcolm Tucker. They start a relationship but things get very complicated when the Doctor comes back into Clara's life only to find her dating his doppelganger. Who will Clara choose? The Doctor or Malcolm?
This is an AU fic and you can choose your own ending because I couldn't.

Author's Notes

This takes place after the events of Dark Water/Death in Heaven. This also takes place during the early part of Season 4 of The Thick of It. This is an AU fic…one in which the Doctor and Malcolm Tucker exist in the same universe. And wouldn't that be a wonderful universe to live in?!

Comments & Reactions

As of January 29, 2016, the fic has 14 comments, 52 Kudos and 8 Bookmarks on AO3.

"This was my introduction to the wonders of a Twelve/Clara/other triangle, and it’s a thing of beauty. I could never decide who I wanted Clara to end up with throughout it, and I don’t think Capaldelight could either because she pulled a choose your own adventure at the end (you’ll understand when you read it). Sexy as hell, re-reading certain passages from this still does things to me."[1]
