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Title: Spell
Author(s): Kelli Rocherolle
Date(s): 1995
Fandom(s): X-Files
External Links: https://archiveofourown.org/works/49465999

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Spell by Kelli_Ro

Spell is an X-Files story by Kelli Rocherolle.

It was originally posted to alt.tv.x-files.creative.

It was the winner of a 1995 Spooky Award.

You can contact Kelli at [email protected] for updated/expanded fanfic. (2023)

Reactions and Reviews

It's a long series of stories about Mulder and Scully getting together over a few years. It's a great story and it's told in sort of a "normal" way, unlike many other fanfics. The characters are not "out of character", which also is common in fanfics. It's a great series, which I think contains 12 parts, plus "spell:loki" and "spell: samantha".[1]
