Solitary Man

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Title: Solitary Man
Author(s): bluespirit
Date(s): 2009
Length: Words: 40,002
Genre(s): slash
Fandom(s): Stargate Atlantis
External Links: at AO3

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Solitary Man is a McShep story by bluespirit.

It was written for 2009 SGA Big Bang.

Reactions and Reviews

Kicked out of the Air Force, estranged from his family and haunted by guilt, John Sheppard is wandering through life. After he loses control of his truck in a snow storm he finds a cabin in the woods and an unlikely savior in one Rodney McKay. The first part will have you beaming and then you’ll get to the middle and you’ll be reaching for the tissues and then by the end you’ll be smiling softly at your computer screen. I mean, what more could you ask for in a fic? [1]
