Solar Flare

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Title: Solar Flare
Author(s): Loch Ness
Date(s): November 29, 1997
Length: 55241 words (121 pages)
Genre(s): gen, R
Fandom(s): The X-Files
External Links: online here
Earlier Copies: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3

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Solar Flare is an X-Files story by Loch Ness.

Summary: A child's disappearance leads Mulder and Scully to a religious cult that holds a strange fascination for Mulder - how far "out there" is he willing to go to find the truth? Rating: R

Author's note: "Rating: R, for VIOLENCE, PROFANITY and references to what some may regard as deviant SEX that occurs off-stage between consenting adults, none of whom is Mulder, Scully, Skinner, Krycek, Marita, CSM, or anybody else you know from the show. If you are under-age, please do not read this. No MSR. Sorry. :-)"

Reactions and Reviews

This is a self-contained case file story, which also segues the somewhat disjointed season 4 eps "Demons" and "Gethsemane" into each other quite skillfully. Fantastic for its examination of dark, angsty and sometimes tragic issues faced by Mulder and Scully as they rushed headlong into the cataclysm of the cancer arc.[1]


  1. ^ comment by swik at, 2000