Shadow Over Westchester

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Title: Shadow Over Westchester
Author(s): Kerri S
Date(s): 2001
Genre(s): Horror
Fandom(s): X-Men, H.P. Lovecraft
External Links: archive link

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Shadow Over Westchester is a X-Men/Cthulhu Mythos fusion story. It won Best Serious Crossover fic at the 2002 Comic Book Fan-Fiction Awards. The story has since gone offline but can be read via archived pages on the wayback machine.

Reactions and Reviews

a fantastic, Lovecraftian re-imagining of the X-Men's origins. Oh, it may start off seeming lighthearted -- even silly -- but just you wait. Kerrie captures beautifully the cheerful, 'golly-gee!' atmosphere of the early comics, and infuses it with a creeping, crawling sense of horror, until you just want to hide under the bed.[1]

The story's fantastic. Well, (Kerri S) writes comedy that's textured and takes into account early X-Men continuity. It's refreshing and delightful. Shadow is very dark, but very good. And sad.[1]

Kerri's rewrite of the origin of the X-Men, warped by the Lovecraftian ethos. Suspense, horror, pathos and the oddest slash of whimsy make this a wild ride.[2]
