Seventh Horcrux

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Title: Seventh Horcrux
Author(s): Emerald Ashes
Date(s): Sept 7, 2014
Length: 104,212
Genre(s): Crack
Fandom(s): Harry Potter
External Links: spacebattles

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The Seventh Horcrux is a crack fanfiction where Harry Potter embraces the horcrux and follows Voldemort's ultimate goal: to become a teacher at Hogwarts.

Reactions & Reviews

[Lysianda] The joke is that Harry Potter is actually Voldemort, trying to live his best life as a teacher at Hogwarts (after being disembodied when he tried to kill Harry as a baby). Following the stations of canon it is an amusing and well-written tale. Perhaps its greatest fault is that the joke may wear thin for some readers after a while, but I personally loved every moment of it. [1]

[coralvortex] The dialogue between Luna and Harry was great. I could absolutely picture a young Voldemort saying this stuff [2]

For anyone new to the HP fandom, I always recommend Emerald Ashes’ “The Seventh Horcrux.” Effortlessly funny and dry, with almost incidental improvements on canon[3]


SamGabrielVO created a podfic version of Seventh Horcrux in 2021, posted to Ao3.
