Serpents in Paradise

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Title: Serpents in Paradise
Author(s): Willa Shakespeare
Date(s): 1993
Genre(s): slash
Fandom(s): Blake's 7
External Links: Online at AO3

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Serpents in Paradise is a Blake's 7 Avon/Blake story by Willa Shakespeare.

It was printed in the zine Songs of Experience.

Reactions and Reviews

In Songs of Experience, the general quality is somwehat higher, though there is nothing anywhere near as good as the xBryn Lantry story. One each by Irish and Willa Shakespeare, both of whom have written very good stories elsewhere; these are both uneven efforts with some good patches. Irish's 'Sticks and Stones' is more a series of sketchy scenes than a stories, though some of the scenes are good in themselves. In Willa's 'Serpents in Paradise', the plot is to me quite unbelievable, and seems to lurch from potential tragedy to something perilously close to comic farce; the dialogue, usually a strong point, is patchy but usually fun to read and mostly (if not always) in character, and she can write genuinely Avonish (and funny!) one-liners, for which I am always grateful.[1]

(22 pages) This is on the internet, so I've read it several times before. The premise is distinctly odd, as is most of the rest of the fic, but I really like the ending, so I feel that justifies the whole thing's existence.[2]


  1. ^ by Sally Manton at Judith Proctor's Blake's 7 site, Archived version
  2. ^ June 18, 2014 review by Aralias at her journal, Archived version