Secure Yourself To Heaven

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Title: Secure Yourself To Heaven
Author(s): LilyK
Date(s): September 30, 2011
Length: 61,789 words
Genre(s): slash, Bodie/Doyle, crossover, fusion
Fandom(s): The Professionals, Apparitions
External Links: Story Link on Archive of Our Own
Author on The Circuit Archive
Story Link on The Automated Hatstand

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Secure Yourself To Heaven is a The Professionals story by LilyK. It is a slash story with the pairing of Bodie/Doyle. This story is a crossover/fusion story with Apparitions, a 2008 horror series aired in the UK starring Martin Shaw as Father Jacob. This is an older lads story in that it portrays the characters of Bodie and Doyle as older men.

Art by Ankaree.

This story was part of the CI5 Box of Tricks 2011 big bang.

Summary from the author: "Pulled out of semi-retirement and put on his first undercover case in many years, Ray Doyle finds out that battling demons is very different for him now than it used to be. He must pretend to be someone he surely isn't; he must to prevent an assassination; he must save someone he dearly loves; and he must try and survive intact, body and soul."