Russian Roulette

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Title: Russian Roulette
Author(s): torch
Date(s): July 1997
Length: 8,400 words
Genre(s): slash fanfiction
Fandom(s): The X-Files
External Links: Russian Roulette (The Flambeau Factory)
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Russian Roulette is a Mulder/Krycek story by torch.

Summary: On their way to Tunguska, Mulder and Krycek make an overnight stop in an unusual house.

Recs and Reviews

Jan says: It's been a year today since we started our website, and to celebrate I'm recommending an old favorite: Russian Roulette, by torch. It's a wonderful Mulder/Krycek missing adventure from the timeline of Tunguska. I imagine most people here have read it before, but it bears multiple re-readings. And it was written just over a year ago, in July of 1997. I've used this story more than once to introduce mundanes to slash, and non-XF fans to M/K. Definitely one of my all-time favorites.[1]


  1. ^ Jan and June's Slash Recommendations: Our Recommendations - 02 August 1998. (Accessed 31 March 2015)