Running Blind

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Title: Running Blind
Author(s): TheTriggeredHappy
Date(s): March 2018 - August 2018
Length: 63k words
Genre(s): Slash
Fandom(s): Team Fortress 2
External Links: On, On AO3

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Running Blind is a Scout/Sniper Team Fortress 2 fic written by TheTriggeredHappy. It was originally posted to starting in March 2018, cross-posted to AO3 in April, and completed on both platforms in August. Running Blind is currently the third-most-kudosed fic on AO3 in the TF2 fandom (and has the highest kudos among completed works), and is the basis for three follow-up works.


Scout's eyes are badly damaged in battle and for some reason, Medic's gun can't fix him. Until they figure out how to heal Scout, he needs someone to look after him and keep him safe. Sniper is given the job.

Running Blind is the first entry in a series of the same name. The other entries are:

  • Little Things, a collection of assorted scenes. A WIP as of December 2023.
  • Taking Shots, a direct sequel set about half a year later. A WIP as of December 2023.
  • Homecoming, a oneshot focusing on Spy and Scout's mother.


This is honestly one of the best and most beautiful pieces I ever read. Not just for fanfiction and not for just tf2, in general. I love how you did everything in it. Your writing style, the characters and the development. It’s all just amazing. Thank you so much for writing this.

AFrontHare, comment on Chapter 17, August 7th 2018

I binge read "running blind" in one go and idk how to explain it but it felt like an awakening experience..?

it was simply amazing i was borderline in tears because the mercs feel so "alive" and the dynamics between them felt.. real.

and the whole sequences about scout and his life experiences with his siblings made me buzz with a newfound appreciation of social bounds and how important they are...

and and the sunset sequence made me so emotional, I'm definitely going to be more careful and appreciate the simple joys of life now, never expected to spiral into a deep existential crisis contemplation while reading a fic but I thank you for that!!

Anonymous ask sent to the author's blog, October 8th 2023

Wow, I've been in this fandom for almost two years. Yet I never thought to sit down and read this one. This was beautiful as your work always seems to be, triggeredhappy! I'm glad you view this so proudly nowadays, because you should! I made a live response thread while reading this. But words can't really sum up how much I loved this story. It's amazing.

Somnolent, comment on Chapter 17, April 20th 2022

I can't even begin to express how much I love this. The characterization of all the mercs, the little flashbacks to Scout's family, and the sweet, silly little moments. You put a lot of heart into this one and it really shows

wetdogsmell, comment on Chapter 17, June 18th 2023

Recursive Fanworks



  1. ^ Whether the original artist has an active account is hard to determine. The URL they use here is deactivated, the watermark in the image leads to a blog that hasn't posted art since January 2020 (months before the post linked here was made), and I was able to find a repost of the art on Twitter with a different watermark. Whether the reposter is the original artist under a different name, or a third party trying to claim the art as their own, I cannot tell at this time.