Rising from Ashes

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Title: Rising from Ashes
Author(s): Arabella and Jedi Boadicea
Date(s): February - May 2003
Length: novella
Genre(s): het
Fandom(s): Harry Potter
External Links: Yahoo! group
LiveJournal community

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Rising from Ashes is a Draco/Ginny Harry Potter fanfiction novella. It follows The More is My Unrest, which was intended to be a one-shot and, as both authors were vehement Harry/Ginny shippers, intended to remain unrequited on Ginny's part. However, the two authors soon found that they "could not stop writing this story, partly because the lure of the forbidden is strong and partly because [they found] Draco endlessly entertaining." [1]


Many readers consider the fic to be an abandoned work in progress, as the last update (in May 2003), which finished off Year Six, is unhappy and arguably non-conclusive. The authors themselves did not specify whether this was the intentional ending of the entire novella, but both authors have since retired from the Harry Potter fandom. It was implied that the story was intended to span at least through Year Seven, and there were tentative plans to continue it post-Hogwarts as an AU to Arabella and Zsenya's fanfiction novel After the End. However, Arabella had warned from the beginning that they "may never get around to finishing or posting" that part of the story, and, of the fic as a whole, "chances are very high that [they] will leave off the story at a horrible miserable place and never resolve it." [1]


  1. ^ a b Arabella. Rising from Ashes F.A.Q., published March 12, 2003.