Raping David Duchovny

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Title: Raping David Duchovny
Author(s): Cymmery
Date(s): February 26, 2000
Fandom(s): X-Files RPF
External Links: posted at alt.tv.x-files.creative

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Raping David Duchovny is an early X-Files RPF story by Cymmery.

It was posted in 2000 at alt.tv.x-files.creative, alt.tv.x-files.creative-mature and a number of other places, including a bondage Usenet group.

Similar Fics

For other examples of similar fic, see Some Examples of Early X-Files RPF.

The Murder of Tea Leoni (1997), Raping David Duchovny (2000), and Homewrecker (2000) are three poorly written, possibly purposely provocative stories cited many times by early fans as to why actorfic was immoral, distasteful, and wrong. Some fans consider them as part of a straw man fallacy; a reference to them distorts other fans' actual positions and substitutes these stories as distorted, exaggerated or misrepresented examples of RPF fiction.

Discussion Topics

The story generated comments by fans about:

  • anger towards David Duchovny leaving the X-Files
  • rape fantasies
  • the appropriateness of actorfic
  • privacy
  • bad taste
  • double standards about this story being okay because it happened to a male
  • a sly suggestion that it was posted by Duchovny himself which was a foreshadowing of the ep "Hollywood AD" and its implications
  • negative attention

The story was removed from Ephemeral, something that also was a source of discussion.

Two days after the story was posted, a fan reported the story's author to Mindspring for TOSsing. This also generated many comments about:

  • censorship and free speech
  • the mistake it was to bring attention to fan-writing at all
  • the argument that all fan writers were violating their TOS
  • quoting private emails in a public newsgroup

The Story's Opening Paragraph

"It all started out as a joke between myself and three friends.

I never thought we'd actually pull it off.

When the announcement was made that there would not be an eighth season for our favorite show, we were mad.

Most plans, good or bad, are born in moments of madness.

This was one."


Reactions and Reviews: The Story Itself

[Tracey]: Actually... isn't this a crime? Maybe I'm being naive here though. It is definitely sick.[1]

[Bineh]: So, somebody from Mindspring using Outlook Express 5.0 is getting kinda bored and wants to see how many people she can offend at once? Can we get a person better at tracking down scum to complete the picture of this fine mind? Blech! [2]

[goth]:Could put it in the "how not to write a bad fic area, it really did get boring quickly. [3]

[Kelly Moreland]:It seems to have gotten posted to a lot of places. A friend of mine e-mailed me, and told me about it being posted to a bondage stories news group..

Somebody gets around.

Personally, it was so bad I laughed my butt off all the way through it. [4]

Red Valerian: Without getting into the ethics of the situation, I'll just say that if it is a crime to use 'real' people in graphic erotic fanfiction, then more people than you can imagine commit that crime every day.

One of the most popular fictional genres over at ASSM (alt.sex.stories.moderated) is what's called celebrity fic, and its sub-genre hypno-celeb. In the latter fic, celebrities from every field are 'hypnotised' and forced to commit various unlikely acts of depravity.

This is slightly off topic, but there's even a genre for cartoon erotica, if you'd believe it.

I succumbed to the temptation and read a Simpsons fic of this type once. Homer did Marge. Marge did Bart. Bart did Lisa. Lisa did Millhouse. My head exploded.

Never again. [5]

[gsxf1]: I personally did not find this "piece of written material" either funny, boring, or any other innocuous description. I found it extraordinarily offensive even if its sole purpose was to trigger such a reaction. It disturbs me greatly that someone would sit down to write a story involving a pre-meditated act of violence against another *real* person (not a character, a live person). Whether or not the author is serious or just trying to incite, it is sick, she is sick, and therapy could only be beneficial. I cannot treat it or react lightly to it, and if I were the object of such a piece I would not be able to treat it cavalierly. I would be putting her name on a list of people to be warned about if they come into my area, forewarned is forearmed. [6]

[Tam]:Well, there are women who get off on rape and power scenarios..... You would be surprised by what some women fantasize about .. pick up Nancy Friday's books "Women on Top" and "Secret Garden" They were an eye opener for me when I was in my late teens... I'm still shocked by the animal farm and incest sections.... Personally I never understood the appeal, but you never know what someone will sexualize...to each their own freaky skeletons in the closet... [7]

[Sarah Stegall]: BWAHAHAHAHA!!!!!! [8]

[Kim]:My, how completely nauseating.

People who ought to know better defending actor rape fic:

Really even more nauseating.

My God, this sucks. [9]

[Tam]:Whose defending it??? I know I only commented on the likelihood of women fantasizing about rape .... I think most people posting here avoid actorfic in general let alone actorfic that depicts rape ... I read back through the posts on this topic and I only found one that supported this story .... And if someone finds this story funny.... well that is their bag isn't it?? Thinking everyone is welcome to their opinion... [10]

[Lulu/Joann]:Has anyone ever found any Rape stories concerning GA amusing? Just curious. And I might add furious that some find this so amusing. I realize people have the right to their opinions but then so do I. [11]

[Tam]: I'm sure someone has found rape stories featuring GA amusing .. there is no accounting for taste. Humor is subjective.. most things are ... [12]

[Cornflake Girl]:Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, WHOA! ::screeching of brakes:: Stoppage of story-reading! And I thought it was just an attention-getting subject line. [13]

[Emerex]: I'd be disappointed to know that anyone found a serious (non-parody) rape story about ANYbody amusing. I've read a couple of very well-written ones (about fictional characters, not real people, btw) that shocked and disturbed me, but

I think that's what the author had in mind.

I didn't see RDD as a parody; I just found it creepy and sad. But perhaps that's a failure of vision on my part. [14]

[Stephanie]:If nothing else, at least the 'author' had the decency[?] to give it a title which let me know beyond a shadow of a doubt that I didn't even want to open the message. I wasn't that lucky with the last one. [15]

[Chloe]: There are men and women that get off on rape fic, it's disgusting either way. You really have no right, though, to generalize that women as a group enjoy rape fic, just because a few women love it. That's like saying all black people are stupid because you meet 5 stupid black people.

Oh, and by the way: rape and power scenarios aren't the same thing. There's a big difference between nonconsensual sexism and domination games.

AND this kind of fiction draws extremely negative attention from the outside world. Want to encourage Fox to crackdown on fanfic? Write sick stories about criminal acts against real people working for Fox. A secondary tactic is to write any other kind of stories about real people working for Fox, especially stories suggesting or directly stating that DD and GA are unfaithful. [16]

[Tam]: What !!! I never said all women enjoy rape fic... I said some women enjoy rape fantasies in response to someone suggesting that no women like that kind of scenario. I also said that I personally don't get it, but that doesn't negate the fact that some people enjoy it. I wasn't even talking about fiction, I was talking about fantasies. You are talking about stereotypes... I didn't stereotype anyone .... before you go off on someone - read what they actually wrote.... I realize the difference and perhaps I didn't make it clear in my post. By the way, what is "nonconsensual sexism"??? Rape is nonconsensual sex ... rape is also more about power and domination than it is about sex. The rapist uses sex to exert power over their victim. Domination games occur between consenting individuals and are completely different and I realize that.... These are interesting points .. which have absolutely nothing to do with my post. I was discussing scenarios people use in their sexual fantasies ... I wasn't speaking about actorfic specifically....[17]

[Erin N]: Can we please not start talking about this again! Please, lets drop this subject and never mention it again after this post of mine! [18]

[Alexis]: Whoever wrote this is a major dork. It's interesting how strong people react to this though because I know the kind of ig'nert twerps that write this stuff and they're just easily amused losers. I just thought it was dummy, sophmore humor. Don't worry about the subject (this person has no life,,,in direct relationship to their lack of social skillz.) I agree with Scott and company in saying, I don't consider it X-fiction and thereby and *more* than happy to chuck it.[19]

Tara Wheeler]: Alright, David, Gary, knock off the fan-baiting. [20]

I know you're lurking on this list.

Both you boys have better things to do.

For shame.

Just remember who pays your exorbitant salaries. [21]

Barbara]: PLEASE ignore this thread so it will go away again ..... it is SOOOOOOO inappropriate...... Use some common decency and let's make my post the last one to respond.....[22]

[Teddi Litman]: Yeah! What she said! No more posts on this subject after hers ... well mine ... uh, well after the person who responds to my post.

Ok that's the very last word on the subject.

I mean it!

This is the LAST word!!

I'm totally, completely serious.

We aren't talking about this any more!

Teddi, who's never discussing that story, "Raping David Duchovny," where a group of female fans kidnap and rape David Duchovny, who's incidentally a REAL person! I think it's a total insult to the actor and even further insult to give this story so much attention. So no more!!! Ok. Because it's wrong!!!! Ok!!!

ps. I think we should all post about how it's wrong to discuss this story now. Thank you. [23]

[DBKate2]:It's big ball of wrong. A big, BIG ball of wrong.[24]

[goth]: LOL It's sort of like the compulsion to press a button after you've been told not to. [25]

Reactions: Comments About Whether the Story Should Be Allowed on Ephemeral

There was no need to post a story about the real life man on an *X-Files* Fanfiction website. Any true fan of David's would not want to spread something like this in a public forum---it was inappropriate. [26]

Well, it's Scott's archive, and he can do as he pleases. I don't even object, in this instance. But I do think he may live to regret it. If I were the author of this piece, the obvious question would be, "Why is *my* piece of actorfic being censored, but not the *other* pieces of actorfic which have previously been posted here? Some of them *very* recently.* [27]

True. "Homewrecker" (Parts One AND Two) are still up there as of the last time I looked. [28]

Yes, [the archivist can do what he likes]. I can't even believe anyone is questioning him. Ephemeral is a fantastic service and resource. Great looking, easy to use, lots of features...and unless I'm mistaken, a *volunteer* effort on Scott's part.

We don't thank him nearly enough.

(Scott? Thank you. I love Ephemeral. I know how to skip stories I don't like. You're doing a wonderful job and I appreciate your work every day.)

If you think his decisions are a mistake, it seems to me that you could write him privately (which keeps the pot from getting any more stirred up around here) or, if you really get offended, stop using the resource. Sheesh.[29]

The basis for the removal was that it's actorfic, and therefore not relevant to an archive of x-files fanfic. I even agree with that opinion, and I don't regret that this story was removed. And as I said, it's Scott's archive -- even if I *disagreed* with him, it wouldn't matter. I was just pointing out an inconsistency, since other stories with the exact same flaw have in the past been allowed to remain on ephemeral.

Scott has now posted (elsewhere on the ng) that he does not intend to screen every story that goes through. I think that's very wise of him, if he wishes to have a life at all. :) But I still think he's setting himself up (potentially) to be subjected to the heckler's veto ... according to the new standard, if he gets a significant number of emails objecting to a story, he'll read it and decide whether to pull it. The potential for abuse in this policy should be obvious.

I should add that I hope it doesn't happen. I like ephemeral, I'm glad it's there, and from the handful of exchanges I've had with Scott, he seems like a nice guy. [30]

*shrug* It's your call, Scott, but I for one found it funny. I wasn't offended by it. And as for being actorfic, I think you have other material on Ephemeral that has only a marginal relation to The X-Files. Still, if you don't want to open that door, I can't blame you. Just want you to know I, at least, am one reader not calling for its removal. [31]

I agree here. I'd like to make it clear that it would have to be a very *very* special case where I'd pull a story. Believe me, me and my conscience have been at odds the last couple of days. I'd rather leave a story up in all but the very few cases. Homewrecker, for example, hasn't been removed. Its actorfic, true, but I personally don't think that actorfic is necessarily a bad thing. As I've said before, if you don't like a story, don't read it. FWIW, I've only had one disapproving email about Homewrecker, most others have simply not read it or not cared.

To reiterate, you'll have to have a damned good argument or be the author to have the story pulled. For R.D.D, a significant population was offended, the story was not x-files related, it was massively crossposted so as to remove its relevance to this newsgroup. Its available elsewhere... etc. I still don't feel *real* well about having done it, but its done.

I do want this hashed out in an open forum, not dealt with in hushed emails. Its just better that way, so I can get a feel for what the community wants. However, I am likely to stick to my principals.... Just to reiterate, RDD was *not* pulled due to its offensive content. It was pulled for its massively crossposted nature, and for its not-even-remotely-x-files related nature (both of which are being debated). [32]

I'm probably beating a dead horse <G>, but I think part of Scott's point was he really doesn't have time to read every story to see if it qualifies as an X-File fanfic. (Who does?) In the case of RDD, *a lot* of people wrote him and so he checked it out, agreed it wasn't an XFF; and just as he would have done if he discovered he archived a "Star Trek" fanfic or misleadingly titled advertisement, he pulled the story. However, he doesn't want anyone here to *expect* him to take on the burden of carefully reading each and every story and judging if it really belongs on his *temporary* archive. Pulling "Homewrecker" at this point might just feed into that expectation; and I think this *may* be part of the reason he's decided not to deal with that story. There's another reason I wouldn't pull "Homewrecker" if I were in Scott's position. It is an unfinished story. For all we know, Mulder and Scully could drop in through an alternate reality portal in the next chapter. I doubt that was the writer's intention and if that's so, she shouldn't post future installments of the story to this newsgroup. However, in this situation Scott simply does not have enough evidence to judge whether or not this story really belongs on an XF fanfic archive (even if he wanted to do so :)); because none of us really know what's going to happen next. [33]

Precisely. I should also note that I'm very unlikely to pull stories because Ephemeral, after all, is just that. Ephemeral. The story will remove itself in good time. In the meantime, don't read stories that you don't like. This is along the same lines is if you don't like whats on TV, change the channel, or turn it off. You do have free will, after all. [34]

I thought I was alone in disliking "Homewrecker" more than RDD. As I saw it, "Homewrecker" was much more discourteous to the actors and their families.

My point wasn't to say that one story was in poorer taste than the other. On the contrary, I found both to be creepy and appalling.

However, "Raping David Duchovny" left me with the impression that rape is an okay way to take revenge especially if you don't get caught. I also think that people in general (not everyone) would be more uncomfortable with the idea of a fantasy of inflicting physical harm upon a real person.

I'm not saying that "Homewrecker" is not libelous or that it doesn't have the ability to be hurtful. It pains me to see people defaming the names of innocent children.

I find both stories equally upsetting. However, I can understand why people would be more uncomfortable with the story dealing with rape. It's a touchy issue with fictional characters, much less real people. [35]

Reactions: The Story is Reported to Its ISP by a Fan

This is regarding... "Raping David Duchovny"... I reported Cymmery to Mindspring Abuse for the post, which I found extremelyoffensive. (Have you *seen* my smut-filled fanfic website? You guessed it. It takes a hell-ava-lot to offend me.)

It probably would have been an entirely different story if the poster would have just posted the "story" to fic groups. He/she did not. They spammed that baby everywhere.

I wonder if some of you would feel differently about the "story" if it had been titled "Raping Gillian Anderson..." [36]

Thank you. I was not sure how to go about that. Dumb question here... does every provider have a service like that? How do I find out? [37]

Think of it this way, GertieBeth. Do you think DD would feel like a victim if he read the post? I think he'd probably make a joke of it and forget it. As you have seen, there have been a range of responses from people, not all were offended.

I had never seen real people in fic before and had no idea that any of it was on Ephemeral, so for me result was that I learned something. It has now been removed from Ephemeral, something that I feel was right given that the authors hadn't bothered to place standard disclaimers on the header.

You mentioned that you write smut fic, some people would find it offensive, some people find blasphemy offensive! The reason why you are allowed to post your work on here is because someone at some time pushed the boundaries. This is what these people are doing, I'm not saying that I agree with it, one has to step back and think logically about the consequences of censorship. [38]

No boundaries here. The crap simply is NOT X-Files fanfic, therefore it does not belong on an X-Files fanfic newsgroup or in X-Files fanfic archives. [39]

I'll be honest here, and say that think you were very wrong to do so. What are you going to do if that author decides to 'revenge' him/herself on THIS group by reporting every member who posts NC17 fic? We could in theory all be TOS'ed. All NC17 stories are probably offensive to someone, and we who post them HAVE undoubtedly violated our ISP's terms of service.

I'm not going to get into the rights and wrongs of this particular story - but probably everyone knows where I stand from my previous posts on free speech.

I will just say that I'm am more saddened to hear that you've reported an author for abuse than I was to read the story in the first place. This bit I'm repeating, as I feel so strongly that we should never under any circumstances start 'reporting' each other - whatever the reason.

We all have delete keys. That is the only form of censorship I can condone. [40]

Red's right here. Unlike Gertie, I'll admit there are a lot of things people post online that offend *me.* Very rarely are they works of fiction; but I quite often come across something somewhere that offends me. For example, fairly recently someone posted (Not here!) that the Jews were largely responsible for the Holocaust because they didn't fight back. I was very deeply offended by that statement; and I let that person know. However, I would never dream of trying to get that person TOS'ed for expressing that piece of sewage. If we all start TOSing everyone who posts something we find offensive, there will just be nobody left.

Even though I agree the story does not belong on this group; and I acknowledge that the writer posted the story to about five other groups, I think anyone who calls this activity "spamming" is stretching the definition and abusing the campaign against spammers.

A spammer is a person who tries to sell you weight loss pills by posting to a hundred unrelated newsgroups. A spammer is not a person who posts a story you find offensive to five newsgroups which regularly have stories posted to them. If we agree pure actorfic does not belong on a X-Files ng, then we are right in letting someone who posts such stories here that the material is unwelcome here. However, TOSing that person is out of line ... just as TOSing a person who posted pure "Star Trek" fanfic story here would be out of line. [41]

Cymmery's post was not a "story." It was a usenet message which was sent to several different newsgroups. Some newsgroups that received the post had absolutely *nothing* to do with fanfiction at all. I repeat This was *not* a work of fanfiction. But it wasn't a story! <stomps foot> ;) I reported a newsgroup troller/spammer posting stories about raping a *real* person, not an author whose work I disliked. I love you Red, but we're going to have to agree to disagree on this one... [42]

If it's not fanfiction (a point I agree with incidentally), why is it a concern that it was posted to groups that have "absolutely *nothing* to do with fanfiction at all? In fact, this ng is really the *only* ng of the seven where I believe this was an off-topic post. This post *fits* all the other ngs where it was posted. Let's review:
alt.sex.stories check
alt.sex.stories.bondage check
alt.sex.stories cuckold. (Ok, this one may be weak. I don't know if a wife whose husband sleeps with other women would be classified as cuckolded ...I believe it is a sexist term ... particularly if her husband is unconsenting. Anyone?)
alt.sex.stories.hetero check
alt. sex.stories.d Ok, I don't know what d stands for but I'll give it the benefit of the doubt. [43]
ATXC.mature Considering the current decision to use that group for *non*
X-Files fanfic fiction, I'm sorry to say this one now fits there.
So this person posted something to seven newsgroups. And of those seven, the post is clearly off-topic in only one. I'd hardly call that spamming.... It wasn't an X-files fanfic story, true; but it was a story. [44]

I don't believe in TOSing myself, unless someone has made a threat against me and has shown knowledge to carry said threat out. I read the fic in question, but it didn't make an impression in my mind outside of "how dull". Homewrecker disturbed me more, and has kept my fingers paging through my psych books since. TOSing one of those dangerous power tools that if let into the wrong hands, for the wrong reasons, can backfire in such a way that not even the Marvel comic heros will be able to save us all.

It's a sad state in the slash world, where people offended by depictions of m/m relationships, or just simply can't see their hero making it with a one-arm assassin, use this TOS power. It's happened. It's happened recently. Slash archives have been TOSed and deleted without warning by those who have differing. creative views. Makes the temptation to TOS MSR smut archives, hard to resist for some people. In the end, the result is lost fic, which entertained someone, somewhere.

It's a can of worms I hope isn't opened here. [45]

...I use mindspring myself... So, do I stop writing because someone might TOS me? My latest NC-17 piece has close to 200 recs right now, and I've gotten a lot of wonderful feedback about it. I really enjoy writing fan-fic and I've never once considered the whole TOS issue, even though NC-17 material does violate it... So now what? [46]

If you want to report that one, you've got to report every single off topic post. I don't think that it offended anyone. It certainly wasn't the best thing ever, but it was there, and that's fine. My biggest complaint with this X-Files online community is that so many people take themselves way too seriously. It was probably the joke of a immature little worm. So what? If you don't like it Gertie, just don't read it. I seriously disagree with your choice to report it. But, I guess we're all entitled to our own opinions, right? :) I'll bet you agree with that, but then, what about the little worm that posted it in the first place? [47]

Next time a thing like this pops up, I think we should have an unwritten rule not to react to it. Maybe we should send the author some valuable (polite) feedback and keep everything out of this newsgroup before it escalates into this. Let's not judge two entirely different things by the same standards so we may ultimately self-destruct ... [48]

I agree wholeheartedly. I'm not crazy about some of the stuff that gets posted around here, but then I always have a right to express my feelings. However, I am deeply alarmed at the idea of setting the dogs of ISP loose - there's always something that *somebody* could object to in anyone's story or posting, and report too, with enough malice aforethought. And then a lot of innocent people, and the readers that enjoy them, are made to suffer. I'm not sure there are that many problems that would occur in the newsgroup that can't be settled in a good old "exchange of views", in the final analysis, because at least ideas and opinions are being exchanged, and that's what it's all about. I can see why someone would want to report the author of a piece about the rape of a real person to their ISP, and how compellingly offensive the whole sordid business is, but I do think it will end in grief. [49]

Speak softly and hope you don't piss somebody off.

Seriously, I don't think you need to stop writing NC-17 fic. Many authors, myself included, archive NC-17 work on personal websites that could ostensibly violate their Terms of Service with their providers. But really, I think most providers are concerned with the visual material. Porn and other things. IOW, I don't think they actively seek out to remove sites with written NC-17 material. That doesn't mean it won't happen if somebody campaigns with your ISP or other web page provider to have you TOS'd. Just that if you keep a low profile with your stuff you shouldn't have a problem. Gossamer was with Simplenet for some time, as I recall. NC-17 material and all.

Also, I'd like to note one more thing about these TOS wars. Even if you run a completely clean site, you can still find yourself a victim of some lowlife who imagines he/she is in some kind of grudge match with you. Probably the best Roswell fan site and online resource, "Roswell Online," went *off* line over the holidays because the site owner got on the bad side of some cretin who had nothing better to do with his/her time than to hack into the site, post porn instead of the normal site material, having her TOS'd from Infinity. That site took a lot of work and was enjoyed by many. The site owner has never attempted to re-create it again, probably because she's afraid of the same thing happening.

It's a skeery world out there in cyberspace sometimes.. [50]

Thanks Swik, but I think I'd rather stop posting to ATXC, than walk on eggshells. I can still post directly to Ephemeral.

This whole issue has been blown so far out of proportion, that it's unreal. It's billowed up like a mushroom cloud, going from a tasteless (and ludicrously bad) story, to threats of TOS, issues of freedom of speech, and we're up to rants and raves now... The bloodthirst *does* seem unquenchable, at least for some.

HEY! Let's just take the author out and stone him/her and be done with it!

We could light a bonfire, dance around it, chant.. maybe sacrifice a goat or something.... Makes as much sense as anything else, doesn't it? [51]

I agree wholeheartedly on the ISP and TOS issue. If we start TOSing everyone who disagrees with us, Teddi is quite right, there will be no one left. A year and a half or so ago, I remember Cici was TOS'd for NC-17 content by someone who repeatedly reported her. If I'm not mistaken, one of Sheryl Martin's archives was also TOS'--I think that's right, but it's been a while.

And for what? Spite? Deep offense? I abhor actorfic, and actorfic of this kind or of the kind already archived on Ephemeral--what was that thing called? Homewrecker?--is even more abhorrent. It not only objectifies real people, it plays heedlessly in their lives with nastiness better left somewhere else, like the nether reaches of their minds.

As someone else in this thread wisely said, TOSing should be the tool of last resort, meant for people who commit electronic crimes, essentially. Terms of Service agreements for providers such as simplenet and mindspring and earthlink (and even the infamous free providers) are written to protect the ISP; if they receive complaints, they may well feel forced to take action. Before you hit that email send button to report someone, be very certain it's not just because you're pissed off. [52]

My major point in discussing whether the post was on topic for the groups it was posted in was to challenge the idea that the post was spam and therefore TOSable. As I see it, the poster was mainly guilty of posting a story to a few groups where that posting was not welcome (Posting without reading FAQs or trying to get a feel for what is acceptable in a particular group) ...not spamming. When I first saw the story posted here, I felt certain it was a deliberate troll or a testing of whether we have double standards concerning this issue because of the recent discussion of the "Homewrecker" story. After it was revealed that the poster had posted to these other groups, however; I wasn't so sure. The very fact that the story was also posted to alt.sex.stories groups indicate that the timing *may* indeed have been coincidental. Frankly, I believe a lot of people who read those other groups may have found the story to be just nifty. [53]

I'm going to stay well clear of most of this. I've only just come out of being a major protagonist in another long-and-belaboured thread and I don't have the energy to do it this week ;-). I will say this though. I understand that unlike me, David Duchovny is a man and there are gender differences in how people experience these things, and equally I understand that the story was fiction and made absolutely no threat of translating it into fact. However, if I read such a story about myself written by a man and posted publicly, I would find it very unsettling and personally invasive. Duchovny was quoted a few years ago as being unsettled by a USENET reference to how or how often he used a seatbelt in character - that being watched so closely left him feeling invaded (paraphrase). I don't think we can or should assume that he would laugh the story off. I suspect the reverse might be true, but regardless we can't make a determination either way. And is it "okay" just because the person in question has a (supposed) sense of humour about it? Well, I don't know. [54]

I say good for you Gertie!! Thanks! I was beyond offended by the story and felt that it was a borderline crime in its tone and intent and as such is *not* necessarily protected speech in any case. I am fully aware of the ACLU's position on speech, let it all in because boundaries are dangerous. I have always disagreed with this position and is the primary reason I am *not* a member of the ACLU. Words can be as damaging as physical acts, and need to be monitored as well. The constitution even affirms this position. Sorry ACLU! So, if our little spammer is banned. Good. She really needs to spend her banned time getting some therapy. [55]

The whole censorship debate is tough, but what sticks with me is how wrong things like this are, IMHO. If I were a celebrity, and someone posted stories to a public forum about me being raped, I would be thoroughly pissed. There is a difference between NC17 stories about fictional characters and a rape story about a real human being. I guess what I'm trying to say here is that people need to have respect for others. David is not public property. The subject matter doesn't bother me. Rape stories don't offend me, and if they did, I would skip them. What bothers me is the use of a real person, like you and me, for a disrespectful and violent story. I don't believe in censorship, but no one can convince me that a story like this is acceptable. [56]


  1. ^ Raping David Duchovny, Archived version, February 26, 2000
  2. ^ Raping David Duchovny, Archived version, February 26, 2000
  3. ^ Raping David Duchovny, Archived version, February 26, 2000
  4. ^ Raping David Duchovny, Archived version, February 26, 2000
  5. ^ Raping David Duchovny, Archived version, February 26, 2000
  6. ^ Raping David Duchovny, Archived version, February 26, 2000
  7. ^ Raping David Duchovny, Archived version, February 26, 2000
  8. ^ Raping David Duchovny, Archived version, February 26, 2000
  9. ^ Raping David Duchovny, Archived version, February 26, 2000
  10. ^ Raping David Duchovny, Archived version, February 26, 2000
  11. ^ Raping David Duchovny, Archived version, February 26, 2000
  12. ^ Raping David Duchovny, Archived version, February 26, 2000
  13. ^ Raping David Duchovny, Archived version, February 26, 2000
  14. ^ Raping David Duchovny, Archived version, February 26, 2000
  15. ^ Raping David Duchovny, Archived version, February 26, 2000
  16. ^ Raping David Duchovny, Archived version, February 26, 2000
  17. ^ Raping David Duchovny, Archived version, February 26, 2000
  18. ^ Raping David Duchovny, Archived version, February 26, 2000
  19. ^ Raping David Duchovny, Archived version, February 26, 2000
  20. ^ a reference to David Duchovny and Gary Shandling and things addressed the ep "Hollywood AD" a month ater.
  21. ^ Raping David Duchovny, Archived version, February 26, 2000
  22. ^ Raping David Duchovny, Archived version, February 26, 2000
  23. ^ Raping David Duchovny, Archived version, February 26, 2000
  24. ^ Raping David Duchovny, Archived version, February 26, 2000
  25. ^ Raping David Duchovny, Archived version, February 26, 2000
  26. ^ comment by Dawn at Ephemeral and "Raping David Duchovny", Archived version, February 27, 2000
  27. ^ comment by Brandon D. Ray at Ephemeral and "Raping David Duchovny", Archived version, February 27, 2000
  28. ^ comment by DBKate2 at Ephemeral and "Raping David Duchovny", Archived version, February 27, 2000
  29. ^ comment by Jerry at Ephemeral and "Raping David Duchovny", Archived version, February 27, 2000
  30. ^ comment by Brandon D. Ray at Ephemeral and "Raping David Duchovny", Archived version, February 27, 2000
  31. ^ comment by Sarah Stegall at Ephemeral and "Raping David Duchovny", Archived version, February 27, 2000
  32. ^ comment by Scott, Ephemeral's archivist, at Ephemeral and "Raping David Duchovny", Archived version, February 27, 2000
  33. ^ comment by Teddi Litman at Ephemeral and "Raping David Duchovny", Archived version, February 27, 2000
  34. ^ comment by Scott, Ephemeral's archivist at Ephemeral and "Raping David Duchovny", Archived version, February 27, 2000
  35. ^ comment by Julie at Ephemeral and "Raping David Duchovny", Archived version, February 27, 2000
  36. ^ comment by GertieBeth at None, Archived version, February 28, 2000
  37. ^ comment by Tracey at The "Raping DD" thread, Archived version, February 28, 2000
  38. ^ comment by gothic at None, Archived version, February 28, 2000
  39. ^ comment by Laurie Haynes at The "Raping DD" thread, Archived version, February 28, 2000
  40. ^ comment by Red Valerian at The "Raping DD" thread, Archived version, February 28, 2000
  41. ^ comment by Teddi Litman at The "Raping DD" thread, Archived version, February 28, 2000
  42. ^ comment by GertieBeth at The "Raping DD" thread, Archived version, February 28, 2000
  43. ^ A fan in this discussion says the ".d" is for "discussion," and not the actual posting of stories, and this makes the story's posting there inappropriate.
  44. ^ comment by Teddi Litman at The "Raping DD" thread, Archived version, February 28, 2000
  45. ^ comment by Ayanna Kinloch at The "Raping DD" thread, Archived version, February 28, 2000
  46. ^ comment by Kelly Moreland at The "Raping DD" thread, Archived version, February 28, 2000
  47. ^ comment by Sherrie at The "Raping DD" thread, Archived version, February 28, 2000
  48. ^ comment by d.LiNeAtE at The "Raping DD" thread, Archived version, February 28, 2000
  49. ^ comment by Alice at The "Raping DD" thread, Archived version, February 28, 2000
  50. ^ comment by swikstr at The "Raping DD" thread, Archived version, February 28, 2000
  51. ^ comment by Kelly Moreland at The "Raping DD" thread, Archived version, February 28, 2000
  52. ^ comment by kass at The "Raping DD" thread, Archived version, February 28, 2000
  53. ^ comment by Teddi Litman at The "Raping DD" thread, Archived version, February 28, 2000
  54. ^ comment by Deslea R. Judd at The "Raping DD" thread, Archived version, February 28, 2000
  55. ^ comment by gsxf1 at The "Raping DD" thread, Archived version, February 28, 2000
  56. ^ comment by Ericka at The "Raping DD" thread, Archived version, February 28, 2000