Ralph's Woman

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Title: Ralph's Woman
Author(s): Laura Mason
Date(s): 26 January 2007
Length: 652 words
Fandom(s): Mary Renault
External Links: archived on LJ

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"Ralph's Woman" is a short story by Laura Mason based on Mary Renault's 1953 novel The Charioteer.

Set perhaps a couple of years after the novel, "Ralph's Woman" takes the perspective of an original character—a woman who often is escorted to parties by Ralph Lanyon. Canonically bisexual, though preferring men, Ralph has an arrangement with her that provides him with cover in return for clothes and services. She finds their relationship increasingly frustrating.

Comments on the story included the following:

  • "Ow. Damn. Don't know which one to feel sorry for. Her, I think, because it's plain she wants more than he can give. That last line is chilling, and not just because of the bucket of icy water."—comment by mews1945
  • "What an interesting POV. I feel sorry for her. [...]"—comment by aprilkat
  • [...] "I'll buy your take on this; to me, it is far more than your description of it as "a little oddity.""—comment by heartofoshun
  • "Goodness, I can't stop reading this snippet - it really has me intrigued and hooked. Much as I have difficulties with het, of course, this is different - this is *our Ralph* and it's a great piece of work - and she missed the man who'd fucked so angrily you'd think she'd chewed off that hand herself... Powerful stuff! You are an amazing writer *hugs*"—comment by trueriver