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Title: Planetfall
Author(s): Pat Terra
Date(s): January 1993
Genre(s): slash
Fandom(s): Blake's 7
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Planetfall is a Blake's 7 Blake/Avon story by Pat Terra.

It was published in Fire and Ice #2.

Reactions and Reviews

I like this one. Avon and Blake on holiday. A certain Dr. Carnell is pulling strings by talking to them separately and telling Avon about Blake and Blake about Avon. The psychology is (in real life) from Eric Berne's books on game theory. Idyllic sex scene but dark, disturbing undercurrents.[1]

I'm sorry - this fic bored me to tears. If I wanted to read 'Why Do You Say After You Say Hello?' I would have read that. And once again the dialogue doesn't sound like them.[2]

If you can overlook the dialogue, Carnell's rather tiresome presence (and I love Carnell), and the way Blake is depicted, the sex scene in the water is pretty hot. Go ahead and flame me, I told you this was my opinion only. [3]

Nice comments, I too wondered about Blake's mindset in "Planetfall". It seemed a little too manipulative for my vision of Blake (ie. consciously manipulative) and I wasn't sure what was implied by Blake's concern over his own sweatshirt. Having been a fan of the book the social stuff came from, however, I did enjoy some of it. And the river sex scene more than made up for it in my books (I know, I'm a sick puppy). [4]
