Philadelphia Science Fiction Conference

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Science Fiction Convention
Name: Philadelphia Science Fiction Conference (Philco, Phillycon, Philcon)
Dates: 1936-ongoing
Frequency: Annual
Location: Philadelphia, PA
Type: fan-run
Focus: Science Fiction
Organization: Philadelphia Science Fiction Association
Founder: International Scientific Association - New York Branch
Founding Date: 1936
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The Philadelphia Science Fiction Conference, also known as Philco, Phillycon and Philcon, is an annual convention hosted by the Philadelphia Science Fiction Society. Several Worldcons have also been called "Philcon".

The first few Philadelphia Conferences were known by different names since fan conventions were still in their early years. It is still running, with the most recent conference being held on November 17, 2023.

Past Years

1936: The First Eastern Science Fiction Convention (or the First Convention)

Usually cited as the first-ever science fiction convention. At least nine fans attended, including Ossie Train, Donald A. Wollheim, Milton A. Rothman, Frederik Pohl, John B. Michel, Will Sykora, David Kyle, Robert A. Madle, John Baltadonis, and Herbert Goudket.

1937: The Third Eastern Science Fiction Convention had around 30-40 fans attending. Donald Wollheim read John Michel's speech Mutation or Death!

1938: 1938 Philadelphia Conference was a battleground in the war between New Fandom and the Futurians. The Futurians threatened to host their own con called the Fifth Conference, but their con failed to materialize and they never showed up to the Philcon.

1939: Philadelphia Conference of 1939

1940: Philadelphia Science Fiction Conference/1940