Perfect Partners

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Title: Perfect Partners
Author(s): Megaera
Date(s): December 2000
Length: 112k
Genre(s): slash fanfiction
Fandom(s): The X-Files
External Links: Perfect Partners (RatB)
Perfect Partners (TER/MA)

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Perfect Partners is a Mulder/Krycek story by Megaera.

Recs and Reviews

Perfect Partners by Megaera, a terrorist released a virus that changes human DNA and binds Mulder and Krycek closer than handcuffs is a story that could have done with a sequel, but isn't going to get one![1]

A virus is unleashed on Washington that causes people infected to seek out the nearest person to them and partner with that person for life.[2]


  1. ^ Alison's Jottings: X-Files recs (M/K). (Accessed 24 March 2015)
  2. ^ rositamia2 in Whispered Words: Slash Recommendation Database - X-Files. (Accessed 24 March 2015)