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Title: Parseltongue-tied
Author(s): Dementor Delta
Date(s): 28 July 2003
Length: 16,000 words; 91KB (standalone)
Genre(s): First Time, romance,[1] slash, post-Hogwarts
Fandom(s): Harry Potter
External Links: Parseltongue-tied at Serpensortia (archive link)
Parseltongue-tied at Skyehawke (archive link)
Parseltongue-tied at ISF (archive link)
Parseltongue-tied at Walking The Plank
Parseltongue-tied at AO3 (locked to registered users)

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Parseltongue-tied is a popular Harry/Snape story by Dementor Delta.

Author's summary: Harry makes friends with one of nature's shy creatures. Rated R.

The story was originally posted to Skyehawke and After Class.[2] It also appeared in a 2004 fanzine of Dementor Delta's fiction, Tales from The Pensieve.

In 2008, Dementor Delta wrote a sequel ficlet called Tempted.

Author's Notes & Warnings

Dementor Delta's author's note at Skyehawke states:

Overwhelming thanks to Isis not just for the amazing beta, but for suggesting the title, the wording of the warning, and for encouraging me to post this.[3]

The story contained a warning for "Snake Assisted Wanking".

On Ink Stained Fingers, the story used the warning "Unusual Sexual Situation". The author's note there also thanked Isis for "convincing [her] that snake wanking isn't really beastiality [sic]".[4]

Dementor Delta discussed the story and the warning in a 2006 interview with Slashcast:

Emma: Looking back, I think, you know, the HP fandom has gone in so many directions that, I mean, 'snake assisted wanking' doesn't seem like that big of a deal, but was it different three years ago?

Delta: I think it was, um, to some extent, but that's part of the beauty of HP fandom. There's so much cool magic going on. That's one of my big things that I love about HP fic is the cool magic aspect. You can go anywhere with this. You can turn them into dogs, and wolves, and snakes, and cats, and whatever. It's just- it's just fun to play with. I think the reception of that story has kind of proven that, that, you know, people keep reading it and they keep writing to me and saying that, "This is one of my favorite stories." And it's very gratifying....

Umm... I really haven't gotten that many funny looks [after posting that story]. A couple of years after it had come out, I had this- this email from a guy who owns a pet shop, and he said, "Well, I want you to know I really liked your story and I'm kinda hesitant to write, but I own a pet store and you've got some snake stuff wrong." And I said, "Oh, what?" And he said, "Well, snakes just don't eat that much, I'm sorry. They just- they would just explode if they ate that much." And he said, "If you ever write a sequel, just ask me. Just run the snake bits past me and I'll let you know." And we had a very nice email exchange about, about snakes and their diet.

Works Based on Parseltongue-tied

Fanart for the story by Ligeia (gothikmaus), created in August 2003. Dementor Delta wrote the fic Strawberry Yields (NC-17) for Ligeia as a thank-you for this art, and posted the art on her website, Serpensortia, alongside other art based on her stories. Ligeia also created icons with the art for Dementor Delta.[5]


When asked about her favorite of her own stories in a 2005 interview with The Snarry Reader, Dementor Delta responded in part: "...I guess I'd have to say 'Parseltongue-tied' because it was the first one that I got a lot of feedback on, and the one that's on a lot of rec lists."[7]

The story has been one of the most popular fics at Skyehawke since shortly after its publication. tinderblast noted April 2004 that the story had over 10,100 hits on the site, and appeared at the top of its "Popular Stories" page.[8] As of February 2017, the story has over 118,000 hits and remains the thirteenth most popular story overall on Skyehawke.[9]

In their 2011 rec of the story at Crack Broom, centaury_squill writes:

One of Delta's earliest fics, it demonstrates the humour, romance and sure touch with a story which has made her such a favourite with the fandom. Standing on its own merits, it also gives a nostalgic reminder of the days when it was still possible to imagine that all the Hogwarts staff would outlast Lord Voldemort.[10]

Other reviews include:

Warnings for Snake Assisted Wanking Okay, so you just read the line above and thought to yourself, 'Uhm. Ewww.' But no, don't run away! The story is really very sweet and charming. Okay. It's a little bit perverted, but in a oddly very hot way. This is another post-war story. In it, Harry is unsure what to do with his life and decides to spend the summer in relative solitude to ponder his future. He meets a snake (no, really, a reptile) and they form an unlikely, strange friendship. The story is not too long and it's an interesting read. Check it out.[11]

stopawhile at crack_van, 2004

Surprisingly adorable, given the rather perverse plot--which is of course hot, and I do mean HOT, but not without a certain sweet sentimentality. If you aren't smiling softly by the end of this story, you're... well, you're a right snake. No offence, Professor Snape.[12]

switchknife, c. 2004

One of the classics, but I just couldn't resist recing it. I love the subtle hints that are given throughout the story, so that when you read it again, you wonder "How could I have not known?" It's a playful feel good romp that I enjoyed reading over and over again.[13]

born2rumble1st at rec50, 2006

I love love love this story!! It's witty and angsty and there's a snake and wanking and wanking with the snake and need I say more??? I think this is one of DementorDelta's best known stories and if by some miracle you haven't read it yet then stop what you're doing right now and go read it! Rated X[14]

septima66, 2006

Don't be discouraged by the semi-bestiality element - this fic is perfect if you're in the mood for something light, fluffy, and just a bit erotic. There's a touch of angst, but nothing severe. While you're at it, here's the link for the author's skyehawke page - go read all of her other stories too, especially 'Between the Lines' and 'Dumbledore's Folly'.[15]

ThreeSidedOrchid, undated (2009 or before)


  1. ^ Fic header at Ink Stained Fingers listed "Category: First Time, Romance", which were also transferred over as tags when the story was imported to Archive of Our Own with the rest of the Ink Stained Fingers archive. The story at Skyehawke lists the genre as Romance.
  2. ^ dementordelta at LiveJournal. The Snake Is Loose!, posted 28 July 2003 (accessed 26 February 2017, WebCite). "Parseltongue-tied is done and Posted! Both to Skyehawke and After_Class!"
  3. ^ Author's note from Chapter 1: "Parseltongue-tied", Archived version at Skyehawke, posted 28 July 2003. Also used at Serpensortia, Dementor Delta's fic site: Fiction, Archived version (accessed 26 February 2017).
  4. ^ Story listing at Ink Stained Fingers. Search - Authors D-F, Archived version (accessed 26 February 2017).
  5. ^ gothikmaus, Harry and The Snake, posted 22 August 2003 (accessed 12 March 2017; capture). Also posted at Ligeia's site, Whispers (archived 13 May 2004 by the Wayback Machine; now offline), and on the fanart page of Dementor Delta's site, Serpensortia.
  6. ^ Accessed 26 February 2017; now offline. Fanart page last archived 10 June 2004 by the Wayback Machine (images not archived).
  7. ^ snarry_reader on LiveJournal. Interview With DementorDelta, posted 02 January 2005 (accessed 26 February 2017).
  8. ^ tinderblast on LiveJournal, E.T.A. to rolls out the cake, posted 05 April 2004 (accessed 26 February 2017). Dementor Delta's comment on the post, 06 April 2004, states:
    "OMG! I think the last time I checked it was like at 7000. Who the hell is reading it?
    Okay, I have a theory--people click on it, because it's already at the top, and go, 'Oh, it's that dumb snake story!'."
  9. ^ skyehawke, Popular Stories, All Popular, Sorting By Story Hits. Accessed 26 February 2017. No relevant archives.
  10. ^ centaury_squill at crack_broom. Snape/Harry - "Parseltongue-tied" by Dementor Delta, posted 03 August 2011. (Accessed 26 February 2017.)
  11. ^ stopawhile at crack_van. Parseltongue-tied by DementorDelta (NC-17) , posted 28 March 2004. (Accessed 26 February 2017.)
  12. ^ switchknife's slash recommendations - ...severus/harry.... Last updated 09 August 2004, accessed 26 February 2017.
  13. ^ born2rumble1st at rec50. Parseltongue-Tied, Heir of Corvus, posted 13 February 2006. (Accessed 26 February 2017.)
  14. ^ septima66 on LiveJournal. Snarry (Snape/Harry) Fanfiction Recs, posted 21 November 2006. (Accessed 26 February 2017.)
  15. ^ ThreeSidedOrchid. .Recommendations. (Accessed 26 February 2017; first archived by the Wayback Machine on 09 July 2009.)