Out of Battle

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Title: Out of Battle
Author(s): AJ Hall
Date(s): 16 January 2007
Length: 3351 words
Genre(s): Crossover
Fandom(s): Mary Renault
External Links: "Out of Battle"

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Out of Battle [1] is a short story written by AJ Hall that is a crossover between two of Mary Renault's novels: The Charioteer and The Persian Boy (the second novel in her Alexander trilogy). The story was originally posted to AJ Hall’s journal at LiveJournal on 16/01/2007.[2]


Miss Haliburton (a minor character in The Charioteer) is nursing in Alexandria during World War II. There she meets Alexander the Great, who has unknowingly been transposed from his own time and place. She treats him for starvation and dehydration (suffered during his army's march through the desert of Gadrosia), and teaches him the exercises to use to ease residual problems from the chest wound he took in India. The next day he has disappeared from her world.

The timeline of the story then jumps to a time after Alexander’s death (“Funeral Games” timeline). Bagoas recounts his own interpretation of Alexander’s experiences with Miss Haliburton during the Gadrosia trek, which led to Alexander’s decision to send a forward scouting party to find their way out of the desert.


Comments received on the story include:

  • Superbly-realised and seamless crossover. [3]grondfic
  • Oh, beautiful. It's so nice to see more of Miss Haliburton; you've fleshed her out and made me love her even more. [4]lorie945


  1. ^ Out of Battle by AJ Hall. Accessed 17 January 2013.
  2. ^ Out of Battle by AJ Hall and subsequently reposted to AO3 on 18 January 2010. Accessed 17 January 2013.
  3. ^ Comment by grondfic, 17 January 2007. Accessed 17 January 2013.
  4. ^ Comment by lorie945, 17 January 2007. Accessed 17 January 2013.