One Perfect Moment of Happiness

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Title: One Perfect Moment of Happiness
Author(s): Donna Milan
Date(s): 31 July 1998
Length: 70k
Genre(s): slash fanfiction
Fandom(s): The X-Files
External Links: One Perfect Moment Of Happiness (The Basement)
on AO3

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One Perfect Moment of Happiness is a Mulder/Krycek story by Donna Milan.

Recs and Reviews

This story is a sequel to The Gift of the Truth, which is like a RatB internal thoughts of Alex during that ep thing. So spoilers for that ep in the The Gift of... in case you haven't seen that ep. If you haven't, why not? It's the defining M/K moment. That kiss, whoo! After the bad thing that didn't happen to Alex in Existence (catch the level of denial I'm in). I needed something sweet, sappy, and romantic to cheer me up. This story is definitely one that will do the trick. I thought about rec'ing it a while ago, but decided it verged just a little too close to fluffy for me then. I sure as hell need this level of fluffy now. I've always liked this story. It took me forever to finish reading it. I just wanted to savor it, was probably one of the earlier stories I read when I first got into the fandom a couple of years ago. For any of you that might need something happy to cheer you up, trust me this one will do the trick. There is some great M/K interaction in this one. They talk alot, work out some shit, and have some incredibly hot sex. I mean hot. It's nice and long too, so there is plenty to just wallow in. It does have a sap content warning, but there is a little angst too. Not much. A happy story, with a nice ending. This one always gives me a lovely, warm, fuzzy feeling. Enjoy.[1]


  1. ^ The Slash Slut's Recs: X-Files Recs. (Accessed 28 March 2015)