Nocturne (Harry Potter story)

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Title: Nocturne
Author(s): Tira Nog
Date(s): 2006 or earlier
Length: 93,000+ words
Genre(s): vampire
Fandom(s): Harry Potter
External Links: Nocture at Tiranog's Website
Nocturne at AO3

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Nocturne is a Harry Potter vampire story that focuses on the Harry/Snape pairing.

Author's summary: Auror Harry Potter discovers a disturbing secret about his former Potions teacher.

The story has been translated into Russian and can be read here.

Author's Notes

My eternal thanks to my dear friends and intrepid betas Meri_Oddities and Serpentsgarden. Special thanks to Serpentsgarden for doing a fantastic line edit when the killer spores were after her! You're my hero! The characters are J.K. Rowling's and the boo-boos are all mine. No money made.

Written for Elanor Isolda for the Detention Snape/Harry. She requested:
Two required kinks: Parseltongue and Canon!Snape (the uglier and greasier the better).

Optional requests: Vampire!Snape, some reference to Snape's voice.

Fanworks Based on Nocturne


Wonderful flow. Loved the progression of this story and how everything ended. So beautiful.[1]

'Nocturne' is one of my favorite vampire stories in the Potter'verse. Engaging, long, and void of the normal vampire cliches, it features a post-war life for Harry and Severus that is bleak, lonely, and a touch sad. That is, until they find one another and everything (slowly) changes.

Tira Nog does a superb job of making Snape's predicament seem real, with less emphasis on how fast-strong-enhanced he is and more of the fact that he's considered a monster by everyone, including himself. Harry, in his turn, is delightfully aged, with the wisdom of years and experience (and Gryffindor bravery) pushing him forward, even when he doesn't exactly want to be pushed forward.

Better still is the fact that the plot doesn't get bogged down once it gets going; there are no strange side trips, no strolls down memory lane where we have to read through page after page of what happened in the war. Instead, the story focuses on the here and the now, with Severus trying to find a cure for his disease and Harry trying to prove to him that he isn't the monster he thinks he is. Overall, I'd say this story is definitely worth the read.[2]

The rec of contraries. This fic contains many things I don’t like: vampire!Snape, Snape that is 6′5″ (Sirius who, as we know from canon, is several inches taller than him must be Hagrid’s lost brother), euphemisms for the intercourse and male organs, multiple repetitions. It’s verbose; the author explains and explains some more. But! I enjoyed it very much! It has many things that made me not pay attention to the things I usually wouldn’t like at all. It must be difficult to write a good, thorough vampire fic, judging by the number of barely tolerable ones, but Tira Nog does it wonderfully. I know I must say something to counterbalance what I started this rec with (because I did stay up all night reading it, couldn’t make myself go to bed!), but I don’t want to spoil it. I’ll just say that Tira Nog *is* incredible with original magic and romance, which she demonstrates in this story.[3]

No listing is complete without a reference to one of Tira Nog’s works. Her works are referred to as classics for a reason, well written, engaging and unique are some of the ways with which I would describe her stories. If you only ever read one snarry vamp story then it had better be this one.[4]

The first bottom!Snape story I ever read and the second vampire!Snape story I ever read. A darker HP universe than many, a very strong Harry and a very lonely, very vulnerable Snape. The sex was absolutely wonderful, and the excuse for Snape's greasy hair made my day. : ) Liked: Many parts of this fic touched me. The place where I wept was Harry's vision of Ron and Hermione at the hospital. So brief, but infinitely poignant, like an ode to frienship that endures in spite of everything: disappointments, failed expectations, and even death.[5]


  1. ^ comment at the A03 page dated June 24, 2014.
  2. ^ review at epic-recs dated Nov. 19th, 2010.
  3. ^ painless j's rec dated December 22nd, 2006.
  4. ^ Vampiric Love recs by HP Lover.
  5. ^ snarry reviewer dated Aug 14, 2014.