Ni'Var (Star Trek: TOS story)

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Title: Ni'Var
Author(s): WerewolvesAreReal
Date(s): 14 Jul 2013
Length: 11,318 words
Genre(s): angst, Daemon AU
Fandom(s): Star Trek
External Links: AO3, K/S Archive

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Ni'Var is a popular Star Trek Daemon AU fic by WerewolvesAreReal. It has over 74,000 hits on AO3.

Reactions and Reviews

this is an absolutely amazing crossover. i love how you made it cannon compliant. the take of kirk having two daemons and one waiting on spock, was a brilliant idea. wonderful job.


Thank you so much for writing and sharing this masterpiece. I completely love it, you have created a beautiful world and described a thrilling story. The sassy daemons are the greatest!!! My heart just snapped into tiny pieces for Spock and Jim, but you found a way to make everything so good at the end. The epilogue section at the end owns my soul. So much love for this fic I can hardly contain it!!! Thank you!!!!


I don't know if I've ever commented on this fic, but on the chance that I haven't even though I've read this like 15 times, I just wanted to say that I LOVE THIS FIC. I am in love with the His Dark Materials trilogy and I love reading about daemons in pretty much any and all settings. My one pet peeve is that usually in these stories, they don't seem to challenge any of the material; it's simply a story where two characters basically have talking pets and no real world building is done. But my god, I love this fic's premise! You worked a lot of world building in and answered questions I didn't know I had, which is basically all I ever want in a daemon fic! I love the descriptions of other species daemons at the beginning, and I love the idea of someone being born with two daemons (and sort of "holding" one for their soulmate). Like I'm gunna stop soon because otherwise I'll just be listing "and I love this, and this, and this..." but just the whole tone of the piece is brilliant and I love the confusion but also affection Jim has for his other daemon and the connection between all four of them even though some of them had never met the others. Definitely one of the best His Dark Materials AUs I've read <3



  1. ^ Comment (2013)
  2. ^ Comment (2015)
  3. ^ Comment (2016)