Never Marry for Money (You Can Borrow it Cheaper)

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Title: Never Marry for Money (You Can Borrow it Cheaper)
Author(s): hapakitsune
Date(s): 2011
Length: 71k+ words
Genre(s): Post-Canon, Accidental Marriage
Fandom(s): The Social Network
External Links: AO3 (archived)

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Never Marry for Money (You Can Borrow it Cheaper) is a Mark/Eduardo fanfic by hapakitsune. It is a post-canon accidental marriage story.

Summary: "Eduardo & Mark have to attend some kind of shareholder's/young-and-a-billionaire's meeting in Vegas/Vermont/Illinois. One thing leads to another and they WAKE UP MARRIED. A quicky divorce/annulment would be easy if not for the fact that Mark drunkenly changed his facebook status to MARRIED TO EDUARDO SAVERIN.

Or, Mark and Eduardo get drunkenly married. Chaos ensues."

There is a podfic read by knight_tracer: (Podfic of) Never Marry for Money (You Can Borrow it Cheaper) (LJ)

The story is generally credited with establishing the TSN fandom's fanon characterization of Chris Hughes. Hughes was a minor character in the film, but had a significant role in Facebook's development in real life. hapakitsune credited Chris's prominent role in the fic to personal research about the real man.

The work was deleted from AO3 at some point after 2019.


Oh, I love this fic to death. It's a hurt-my-heart fic and a slow-and-sweet fic. There are so many lovely moments. Also, the fact that we don't really know what Mark is thinking or feeling most of the time makes me intrigued. Though, the author did write some extra scenes that fill in some of the gaps![1]

This is so adorably angsty, but with a bit more sexy-times and a little less fluff. There is so much confusion and misunderstandings between the two that it’s nearly unbearable to watch but you can’t stop. Very, very good.[2]
