Never Kill A Boy On The First Date

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Title: Never Kill A Boy On The First Date
Author(s): amathela
Date(s): March 26, 2010
Length: 23,208 words
Genre(s): Action/Adventure, Drama, Humor, Justin/Alex Incest, PG-13
Fandom(s): Wizards of Waverly Place, Buffyverse fusion
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Never Kill A Boy On The First Date is a Justin/Alex Buffyverse fusion fic by amathela in which Alex learns and deals with being the slayer. It was written for apocabigbang.

The fic was named after the first season Buffy episode "Never Kill a Boy on the First Date".


In every generation there is a Chosen One. She alone will stand against the vampires, the demons, and the forces of darkness. She is the Slayer. In this case, she's Alex Russo - one girl in all the world born with the strength and skill to hunt the vampires, to stop the spread of their evil, blah blah blah. She also might be kind of falling in love with her brother. But first, she has an apocalypse to avert.
Spoilers up to Season 3, Episode 5 "Night At The Lazerama".

Inspired Fanworks

Because it was written for apocabigbang, it has several fanworks dedicated toward it:

Comments & Reactions

As of January 19, 2016: the fic has 6 comments, 525 kudos, and 14 bookmarks at AO3; one comment at Dreamwidth, 19 comments overall at LJ.

"This is fantastic! The way you blended Wizards and Buffy really worked and just seemed to fit so well that it's hard to believe it's never been done before. You are clearly a genius/amazing. Your Justin/Alex characterizations are always perfect, and you really hit the humor of the show so well."[1]

"This was absolutely brilliant! I seriously wish there was even more, but either way - this was amazing! I like the idea that Alex is a slayer."[2]

"HAHAHA LOVE! Alex as a Slayer! Justin being such a Watcher! I am giddy with love!"[3]

"Amazing. I love the BTVS universe and I recently got into WOWP (and awkardly started shipping Jalex...) When I found this fic, I was curious and started reading it, and I was glad I read it, it was a perfect fusion of the two universes, Alex being slightly Buffy-like with her quips and the Slaying, and Justin all Watcher-like (reminding me of a younger Giles in a way with his research.)

I'd love to see more of this universe, I'd love to see the parents (and maybe Max) accidentally finding out about Alex's Slaying (I totally agree with Alex's assessment of how the parents would have reacted btw) somehow (maybe she had to rescue them from some kind of Demon/monster?) maybe have Mason appear, as well a different kind of werewolf (think of Oz from Buffy) I'd love to see if they would develop a version of a 'Scooby Gang' somehow?

Anyway, I reiterate, this fic is soo awesome. :D"[4]

"A Wizards of Waverly Place fusion with Buffy the Vampire Slayer; what could be better than that? A Justin/Alex fanfiction that fuses with Buffy, of course. This story is long and detailed. The only thing I don’t like about the story is that there isn’t more of it. This author manages to flawless merge the two worlds without losing any of the characteristics of the Wizards characters. Alex still snarky, Justin is still smart and caring, and Max is still Max. If you like Buffy and the pairing of Justin/Alex then this fanfiction is for you."[5]



  1. ^ perfectlystill comment at LJ[Dead link]. March 28 2010.
  2. ^ flareonfury comment at AO3. 20 Jun 2010.
  3. ^ Lirazel comment at AO3. 31 Aug 2011.
  4. ^ PurpleOrchid85 comment at AO3. 18 Jul 2015 last edited 24 Aug 2015.
  5. ^ evenafterever at Tumblr. March 25, 2014.