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Title: Moonstruck
Author(s): ancastar
Date(s): 2010
Length: 22,000 words
Fandom(s): Supernatural
External Links: story at LJ

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Moonstruck is a Supernatural Wincest story written by ancastar. It was part of the SPN ReverseBang Challenge. In a reverse Big Bang challenge, an artist offers up one drawing along with a prompt for the suggested storyline. Writers can then write a story of at least 3,000 words to accompany the art.

original art prompt by petite madame

Moonstruck is based on a drawing by petite madame and her following prompt: "The full moon affects the whole population of NYC including Sam & Dean. Sam doesn't have headaches and can use his powers whenever he wants to very easily. Pretty convenient when you have to fight badass witches in the middle of the street..."

The story was later selected to be part of petite madame's J2-S&D Calendar Wallpaper Project.


The fic is definitely worth a read, as well. Sam and Dean investigate strange happenings in New York City during a full moon that have nothing to do with werewolves and everything to do with witches. People are gaining mysterious powers whenever the moon's full and Sam and Dean need to figure out what's behind it despite most of the powers being used for good. Along the way, the spell that's affecting the city starts to affect them as well, with visions and telekinesis. In between trying to find scant parking in the middle of New York City, Sam and Dean are also dealing with the consequences of a previous event, one in which they faced the attraction between them. Sam knows what he wants and he wants this to happen but Dean keeps pushing him away despite apparently wanting it too.[1]

This was such an awesome case story, and I love the way you took the time to develop it. Your original characters were so well done, and of course, you can't go wrong with powers!Sam. You did a beautiful job with it. Oh, and I love the ending - Sam bringing his head to rest on Dean's shoulder, absolutely exhausted, is such a tender image. Lovely work, and of course, the artwork is stunning![2]

Another unusual situation where I found a fic by the artist instead of through some other means. I absolutely adore Petite_madame's art and you'll see a lot of fics on this rec list with her listed as the artist. Although I came for the artist, as I started to read, I realized that this story was intriguing. If you are a lover of case!fics, go and read this now, it won't disappoint.[3]

Fan Art Gallery

Below is a some of the fanart created for this story by petite madame. Art has been included with the artist's permission.


  1. ^ comment in the spnanonhaven story discussion dated Nov 26, 2010.
  2. ^ comment in ancastar's story post dated Nov 23, 2010.
  3. ^ "The Unlimited Guide to SPN Fan Fiction Two: Part 1". Archived from the original on 2020-04-28.