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Title: Mobius
Author(s): LA Ward
Genre(s): XF mytharc casefile, MSR
Fandom(s): The X-Files
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Mobius is an X-Files story by LA Ward.

Reactions and Reviews

This is close to my number one favourite. It takes place after Mulder disappears in S7. I wish it had been an episode. Heartbreaking but lovely, I didn't want it to end. [1]

An 'all things'-based idea that treads a well-worn path - that of alternate universes - but does so with intelligence, character, subtlety and just a tad of scientific realism to make this arts graduate believe. If you like Mobius, check out this writer's Spike/Buffy, Love Lies Bleeding, and her Roswell fic. [2]

What if, instead of one universe, the Big Bang created a string of parallels, and each existence varied according to the choices made in any particular lifetime? In a compelling mix of sci-fi-science and mysticism, "Mobius" shows us two universes crossing, with Scully at the vortex. Set sometime after Mulder's disappearance, Scully investigates the disappearance of a renowned physicist, and in the process opens a door to "what if." A very well-constructed and well-told story, enjoyable and satisfying. [3]

Today being the anniversary of Mulder and Scully's very first meeting, I thought it ironically appropriate to rec a fic where it didn't happen. Well, sort of.

This is a post-Requiem AU, in more than one sense of the term. No events from season eight have happened, and Scully isn't partnered with Doggett--she's on her own. And on her own, she comes across an X-File that throws her into an alternate universe where she's a neurologist and married to Daniel Waterston, and her counterpart Dana Waterston has taken her place in her own world.

This is one of the better casefiles I've read--full of extreme possibilities and scientific explanations, with mytharc in one universe and regular X-File in the other. Scully gets to see Mulder again, but is faced with what she might have to sacrifice to be with him, while Dana Waterston walks awhile down the road not taken, and both versions of Scully come to a new understanding of themselves and their lives. It's wonderfully well-done. [4]


  1. ^ rec by ledez_dreams at X-Files Book Club, October 2015
  2. ^ YMMV
  3. ^ The Basement Office, February 26, 2001
  4. ^ rec at Crack Van, March 2007