Miss Marple?

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Title: Miss Marple?
Author(s): poicale
Date(s): 30 July 2006
Length: 445 words
Genre(s): domestic
Fandom(s): Mary Renault
External Links: archived on MRF

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"Miss Marple?" is a ficlet by poicale based on Mary Renault's 1953 novel The Charioteer. The story is set some time after the book, when Laurie and Ralph are living together.


Laurie has been reading Agatha Christie's latest Miss Marple mystery. A speculative question from Ralph sparks an oblique discussion, but the two men finish up more interested in each other.


"Miss Marple?" was written for a Sunday Tea timed challenge (30 minutes) to the prompt "Miss Marple", and subsequently posted to maryrenaultfics. It should be noted that there were actually two stories written in response to the challenge, both posted to the same page. "Miss Marple?" is the one at the top of the page.