Mile Marker Thirty-Six

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Title: Mile Marker Thirty-Six
Author(s): bluespirit
Length: Words: 13,823
Genre(s): slash
Fandom(s): Stargate Atlantis
External Links: at AO3

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Mile Marker Thirty-Six is a McShep story by bluespirit.

Reactions and Reviews

John and Rodney go on vacation Earthside together, as friends do, spending a week at John’s ranch in Montana before heading up to Canada to spend the rest of their leave with the Millers. John might be in love with Rodney but he’s happy with what he has. Almost. Rodney’s clueless, but he’s a genius and when he gets it, he gets it. Oh yeah. I love this fic and the little universe she’s created here. (There are three more stories in the series.) I feel like she’s got John and Rodney pitch perfect here - from their snarky banter to their introspective moments. It’s a lovely, gentle fic with call backs to canon in a setting that allows the story to unfold at a slower, but steady, pace. This is one of those fics that you curl up with on a rainy day with a nice cup of tea and just enjoy. (Or you know, anytime it strikes your fancy.) [1]
