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Title: Mercury
Author(s): Kitty Fisher
Date(s): completed July 2002
Length: 24kb
Genre(s): slash
Fandom(s): Smallville/Buffy the Vampire Slayer
External Links: Mercury (Kitty's House of Pleasure... and Pain)

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Mercury is a Smallville/Buffy the Vampire Slayer story by Kitty Fisher. The pairing is Giles/Lex.

Summary: It's 1998, and Buffy's mentor encounters an abomination of a different sort. Crossover, Hurt/Comfort, Rape

Reactions and Reviews

Giles comes home to his English flat to find a strange boy on his doorstep.... I like Kitty Fisher's fiction very much - although sometimes it's a little dark for me. This story wasn't, though. It's quite an interesting and evocative 'slice of life' story and I felt that the characterisations of both Giles and a young Lex were excellent. And I loved the dry very Giles-like dialogue within this story.[1]
