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You may be looking for Memorial Zine.

Title: Memorial, Beasts of the Earth, Fish of the Sea
Author(s): fawatson
Date(s): 31 October 2010
Length: 391 words
Genre(s): general
Fandom(s): Mary Renault, Historical RPF
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"Memorial"[1] is a ficlet by fawatson written in response to the Spooky Challenge 2010 for maryrenaultfics community at livejournal. The premise behind the story is supernatural inspiration (in the form of Pegasus) for a poem of Simonides. In keeping with the Halloween theme, the ficlet has a slightly eerie feel. The following year, the link between Simonides and the supernatural resurfaced in two 100 word drabbles written for the Spooky Challenge 2011. These, however, were mildly humorous. "Beasts of the Earth" sees Simonides composing an ode to help Cerberus court a mate; while "Fish of the Sea" sees an elderly Simonides playing the flute for a dolphin. They were the first drabbles ever written by fawatson.

Comments by readers include:

  • I'm taken with the layered use of the prompt - this is more than just a 'challenge fic' [2]my_cnnr
  • This is getting to be rather a nice little series. [3]greerwatson
