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Title: Melancholy
Author(s): Sebastian
Date(s): January 1993
Genre(s): slash
Fandom(s): Blake's 7
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Melancholy is a Blake's 7 story by Sebastian.

It was published in Fire and Ice #2.

Reactions and Reviews

One of my two favourite stories in this 'zine. One of Sebastian's erotic, lyrical, bittersweet and complicated tales. She is very good at not needing Big Plots to make her writing work, and I prefer that - the story comes out of the characters.[1]

Right, so... this is the fic I'm most disappointed by in the zine, though it is not at all bad. In fact, it's really quite good, but I came looking for 'Cat's Cradle' and ended up with a fic where the descriptions are overly poetical and Blake fucks a melon in front of Avon... and it is not bad (and leads to some sexy watching from Avon - and some amusing and nice closeness between them as Blake is like... er, you want me to do what?), but I am frankly bemused as to why it is happening. Or why Avon finds it erotic. Maybe because Blake is doing something so ridiculous. Anyway, this fic has a much more sophisticated and convincing emotional arc for Avon (partly, perhaps, because Blake gets to comment on it, which helps him), which also ends somewhere that I like... although hardly optimistic, as promised. I don't know - as I'm writing this review and glancing back at the fic... I'm liking it more and more. Maybe I'm wrong not to love it. It is good. Oh, I don't know. I'm conflicted - moving on.[2]

I didn't like the Christ stuff and the melon was a bit overdone...or is it over-ripe. Guess fruit jokes are not a good idea given the context...But not bad, on the whole.[3]

The one with the melon. Admittedly the melon stuff is kind of weird, but the rest is spectacular. One of the best versions of 'Avon isn't sure why he's slept with Blake/what his feelings about Blake are' (fortunately, Blake knows the answer) that the fandom has to offer.[4]
