Mean Streets

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Title: Mean Streets
Author(s): Violette
Date(s): 18 April 2003
Length: 323K aka 72,014 words (FF.Net)
Genre(s): Gen, ATF AU
Fandom(s): The Magnificent Seven
External Links: Mean Streets (author's page)
Mean Streets (FF.Net)

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Mean Streets is an ATF AU where Vin and Ezra are teenagers. The story is a closed AU. Mean Streets was nominated for a 2003 Ezzie Award and was the winner of a 2004 Ezzie Award.

Summary: Teenage runaways Ezra and Vin have an encounter with the men of Team Seven.

The story gets sometimes confused with Gil Hale's Runners because they share a similar premise.[1]


  1. ^ bluetattoo3 in mag7ficfind. Teen Ezra and Vin, 12 September 2011. (Accessed 18 December 2011)