Mastery (Blake's 7 story)

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Title: Mastery
Author(s): Willa Shakespeare
Date(s): 2000
Length: 28775 words
Genre(s): slash
Fandom(s): Blake's 7
External Links: Mastery at AO3

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Mastery is a Blake/Avon Blake's 7 story by Willa Shakespeare.

It was originally printed in the zine Fire and Ice #6.

Reactions and Reviews

After "Voice from the Past," Avon discovers that Blake isn't the only one whose mind has been tampered with. Did he and Blake actually know each other before the _London_? And, oh, my, did they really do *that*? I generally tend to dislike stories that postulate that they knew each other in the past, as normally I just find it impossible to buy. This one worked for me much better than most, though, even if there were one or two plot points that required a fair amount of suspension-of-disbelief. The character dynamics were complex and well done, and that is, of course, the important thing. And it was fascinating watching the various layers of their relationship being peeled back. What's the real them? What was programmed? Can they make their relationship be what it *should* be and prevent the tragedy that otherwise lies in their future? Interesting stuff.[1]

This fic is ALSO about D/s (and flirts briefly with Blake's child molestation charges, although in a way that I think it absolutely perfect), but - in a way - it seems designed to counteract any assumptions one might have made about those genres by going through all assumptions and then coming to a conclusion that is somewhat in opposition to what you thought you knew. I probably do have some problems with some parts of this fic (it hits some of my pet peeves pretty squarely - PWB-relationship used as catalyst for current relationship is the main one, although there's also a weird bit where B/J and A/C is implied as a real thing - more real than their current feelings for each other, even as we are heading for a B/A conclusion), but after a ropey beginning where we are asked to believe some pretty extravagant plot manipulation (and, to be fair, before a conclusion that involves Federation plan that makes no sense), it's just - great. I really really like it. The sex is so characterful and awkward and also sexy, and the fic as a whole is all about ramped up emotions and awkwardness. There's some classic clashing of wills, and it has a lovely ending (if you can accept the premise) and great dialogue. This may sound like faint praise, but I am telling you this show how good it is (and because I like whining in general). Even with all my issues, I thoroughly recommend.[2]


  1. ^ a review by Belatrix Carter at Judith Proctor's Blake's 7 site, Archived version
  2. ^ aralias reviewed this zine in November 2013 on Dreamwidth; WebCite