Look here, look back, look ahead

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Title: Look here, look back, look ahead
Author(s): marinarusalka
Date(s): 06 February 2011
Length: 33,498 words
Genre(s): slash fanfiction
Fandom(s): Marvel, Iron Man Noir, Marvel Noir
External Links: Look Here, Look Back, Look Ahead (AO3)
Cover art by marvelgirl, created for Russian Marvel Universe Big Bang 2013

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Look here, look back, look ahead is a Steve/Tony story by marinarusalka.

Summary: September, 1941: Returning from a mission as Iron Man, Tony Stark crash-lands in the Carpathian Mountains and is rescued by Captain America. The two heroes team up to investigate Nazi activity at a mysterious castle. But Captain America is keeping secrets that could destroy their new partnership before it has a chance to begin.

Recs and Reviews

This fic begins with a bang, both literally and figuratively. Struck by lightning while flying over Northern Transylvania, Tony Stark falls from the sky like a dented tin can, albeit an expensive and technologically advanced tin can, and is promptly saved by Captain America. Who has been dropped in under the radar to look into Nazi-related activity…and that’s only the beginning. What comes after that is an all out action/adventure ride that takes us into enemy territory, the past, the future, and, quite possibly, the best and brightest relationship ever developed between Cap and Iron Man (and Steve and Tony). While I hesitate to give away any more details, I definitely suggest that any fans of these two give it a try. It’s fun, adventurous, and best of all, unique in its unfolding.[1]

I can't classify it. I mean, okay, it's a wonderful adventure story featuring Nazis and secret castles and lashings of hurt/comfort, but I don't know if it's an AU or not. Or I guess it would be more accurate to say that I don't know if it's a canon AU or a fan fiction AU or both. If you aren't confused, it must not be comics fandom, that's my motto.

But I don't care. This is fantastic. It's got Steve and Tony having adventures in Transylvania involving a creepy and legendary evil, and there are no pointy teeth anywhere. [...] Plus, it is a deeply awesome legend. I like vampires as much as the next girl, [...] but I am totally ready for fantasy novels to switch over to this legend for a while. [...] And I really love how this story handles the Steve/Tony. I'm not going to go into it in too much detail here, because I don't want to spoil it, but I will say that midway through there is one of those scenes that leaves me wanting to applaud the author like she just did a backflip through a circle of fire, because it's an argument in which I am on both sides simultaneously. They're both right! And they completely disagree with each other! That is a sign of characters that are real people, right there. [...]

Anyway. This is wonderful. And I love it. And I love you. And you know how you always want to introduce the people you love to each other, providing they are not members of your family of origin? That's how I feel about this story. Go be happy together, fandom and fanwork! You're going to get along.[2]

A really nice combo of Iron Man Noir with Captain America. It's got a good plot, and I like the way the relationship plays out. This one might be a bit confusing for someone who hasn't read Iron Man Noir, but a Wikipedia summary might be enough.[3]


  1. ^ slyprentice in epic_recs. Look Here, Look Back, Look Ahead by marinarusalka (PG-13), 11 March 2011. (Accessed 27 June 2012)
  2. ^ thefourthvine. Days of Love 3, 16 February 2012. (Accessed 27 June 2012)
  3. ^ mysticalchild_isis. Avengers Fanfic Recs: Steve Rogers/Tony Stark. (Accessed 28 June 2012)