Little Lion Man (The Charioteer drabble)

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Title: Little Lion Man
Author(s): toujours_nigel
Date(s): 19 May 2011
Length: 100 words
Genre(s): drabble, AU
Fandom(s): Mary Renault
External Links: AO3

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"Little Lion Man" is a drabble by toujours_nigel based on Mary Renault's 1953 novel The Charioteer. It provides a terse, bleak AU ending that so nearly might have happened.

The story was written as part of the Unwritten Charioteer Writing Project (Chapter Sixteen), for which the prompt was to provide a speculative (AU even) ending for the novel.

Comments included the following:

  • "This made me catch my breath! Well done (and thank heavens it was a different ending)."—comment by fawatson
  • "So glad this didn't happen in the book! It would've broken my heart. Simply beautiful, though."—comment by myopichobbit
  • "The spareness of this makes it all the more fitting - and painful. Striking. Good to have you writing (even if..)."—comment by my_cnnr


The story was originally posted to the maryrenaultfics LiveJournal community in a members-locked post, and later cross-posted to AO3.