Little Acorns

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Title: Little Acorns
Author(s): Orithain
Date(s): June 2000
Genre(s): AU, De-age
Fandom(s): The X-Files
External Links: Little Acorns at TER/MA
Little Acorns at AO3

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Little Acorns is a Mulder/Krycek story by Orithain.


"What would have happened if a 20-year-old Mulder, in London while on summer break from Oxford, had met a 16-year-old Alex Krycek?


(WARNING: Underage fic!!! Krycek is 16 in this story. I consider that old enough to decide who he wants to sleep with. If that's not your cup of tea, STOP NOW!—)"

Recs and Reviews


This one takes place in the past, around the time when Mulder was in college. Ori sets Mulder at about 20 in this one and Alex at about 16. Everyone always makes Alex younger than Mulder. Some by quite a few years. I always think of him as about 3 years younger. Though in reality there is only about 2 years apart between David and Nick. Like that matters. I'm rambling, like you couldn't have noticed that.

This one is sort of in the same vein as Demon Poetry, which is rec'd below. In that they both take on the question, of what if Mulder & Krycek had met earlier, like when Mulder was in college? I mentioned above that Mulder is 20 in this story and Alex 16, so if that sortof thing squicks you don't go there. Alex isn't some young innocent Mulder is corrupting here though. He could probably teach Mulder a thing or two in fact. This one is basically a PWP that starts with a chance meeting between the boys that leads to some really hot sex. In fact, several rounds of it.


This is one of those stories that really falls under the scorching hot categories. The boys just met, so they don't go around professing eternal love to one another, thank goodness. Hot sex is the main thing that sticks out with me. Ori, Aries and Nic the Den of Sin trio really know how to turn up the heat on sex scenes. Know how to get the boys to fall in love so very believably too.[1]


  1. ^ ladyclio16. "X-FilesRecs". The Slash Slut's Recs. Archived from the original on 2001-06-27.