Lightning Has Just Struck My Brain

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Title: Lightning Has Just Struck My Brain
Author(s): mousapelli
Date(s): 10 January 2004
Length: 1,322 words
Genre(s): Gen
Fandom(s): Harry Potter
External Links: at LiveJournal[1]
at sprunkers (wayback)error

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Lighting Has Just Struck My Brain is a particularly memorable fanwork, written by Mousapelli in Harry Potter fandom. It is incredibly memorable for being one of those effortlessly creepy stories that actively subvert one's ideas on canon, and on the wholesomeness of certain characters (in this case, Dumbledore).

A Harry/Neville remix of the story was written by Nope, called Lightning Has Just Struck My Brain (The Déjà Vie Remix).[3]


Well, here's a creepy bit of pairing-less Harry/Neville fic for everybody. Harry's on the verge of an epiphany, Neville seems to be at the center of everything lately, and Dumbledore's good for nothing but twinkling.

Recs and Comments


(Is that the title?) Creepy as hell, so of course I love it. Her description: Harry's on the verge of an epiphany, Neville seems to be at the center of everything lately, and Dumbledore's good for nothing but twinkling.

Also, a meme, stolen from anna_maria:

What is the one thing you've always wanted to know about me but were afraid to ask?

I don't know that anyone would have any burning questions, but, hey, what the hell. Anonymous questions OK. I guarantee any answers I give will be honest. However, since I do want to preserve a certain amount of anonymity here, I'm not guaranteeing answers to everything. Does that spoil the fun? Eh, maybe.[4]


Yeah, I think that is the title. Enough people have seen it now that even if i did want to change it, I'd just cause mass confusion. Eh, i can pretend it's a pun, what with the scar and the epiphany and all. Haha, I'm so clever! *flourishes wand like Gilderoy Lockhart*[5]


Hey, look, a fic about someone other than Lupin. *g*

Harry discovers some things about Neville that Dumbledore wishes he hadn't. Really, to say more would be to spoil this creepy, good, and oh-so-plausible short story.

This fic packs a wallop the way the best short fiction does. It has an almost Poe-like quality of horrified inevitability, and it makes sense of some wonky things in canon.

And then read the remix: Deja Vie by nopejr, which gets exactly right the stuttering, sickening feeling of knowing you know something really important but not being able to quite get your brain around it. The remix includes some adorable Neville/Harry interaction.[6]


[Harry, Neville, gen, um... PG with an edge?] This is a ficlet I never got around to Niffling on FA, but which was on my list for a long time; Neville and Harry clash with Dumbledore and the prophecy, with unexpected results. Exploring one of my favourite red herrings of HP fic ever :). Gen, no warnings, except for the twist :).[7]


Harry, Neville, Dumbledore, the prophecy, gen. Very short and creepy and awesome. Like the evil!McGonagall theory, I’m a big fan of conspiracy theories in fic. Sometimes I really wish this were canon. Check out her other writings at her site, too! She writes in other fandoms, too, and everything is generally to the point and fun.[8]

Notes and References



  1. ^ "And Sam was Champion of the World...: mousapelli — LiveJournal". 2004-01-10. Archived from the original on 2021-09-24.
  2. ^ "Mousapelli's Fanfiction » Harry Potter, Lightning Has Just Struck My …". 2004-01-10. Archived from the original on 2021-09-24.
  3. ^ "Lightning Has Just Struck My Brain (The Déjà Vie Remix) by Nope". 2007-12-27. Archived from the original on 2021-09-24.
  4. ^ "novembersnow • Blah". 2004-01-12. Archived from the original on 2021-09-24.
  5. ^ "novembersnow • Blah - mousapelli review". 2004-01-12. Archived from the original on 2021-09-24.
  6. ^ crack_van rec by musesfool for "Lightning Has Just Struck My Brain by Mousapelli (PG)". 2004-08-18. Archived from the original on 2021-09-24.
  7. ^ "kennahijja February Recs, batch the second". 2008-02-15. Archived from the original on 2021-09-24.
  8. ^ "shadowfireflame Fic Recs: Gen and RPGs". 2011-02-06. Archived from the original on 2021-09-24.