Leviathan (X-Files story)

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Title: Leviathan
Author(s): Pellinor
Date(s): 1998
Genre(s): gen
Fandom(s): The X-Files
External Links: part one; part two

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Leviathan is an X-Files story by Pellinor.

Crossover? Fusion?

In March 1998, the author wrote:

This is an interesting question. With my latest story, Leviathan, I debated long and hard about whether to call it a crossover. The story, in very broad terms, parallels Stephen King's novel "The Stand", in the same sort of way as West Side Story parallels Romeo and Juliet. The setting and characters are 100 percent X-Files. Judging from feedback, people who haven't read the original novel are getting as much out of it as people who have - more, perhaps, since they get more suspense and a greater sense of surprise and horror when the.... thing.... happens.

Yet I classed it a crossover, knowing that this would greatly reduce the potential readership. I just wanted to publicly recognise the fact that I'd borrowed plot ideas from The Stand - the same sort of courtesy as we show towards CC and co in our disclaimers. I was uneasy about not calling it a crossover, since I felt that, by doing this, I would be claiming as my own certain plot elements that weren't my own.

All of which is perhaps a somewhat belated attack of conscience, given the fact that I'm using copyright characters left, right and centre....[1]

Reactions and Reviews

Pellinor's 'Leviathan', a massive fic which is very loosely crossed-over with Stephen King's 'The Stand' was the only fanfic to ever *truly* creep me out. 'The Stand' gave me the heeby-jeebies for days, so I was prepared to find 'Leviathan' a little scary, but oh man, the dark intensity of it, and the terrible plausibility of Pellinor's vision of a world falling apart, combined with a nightmarishly believable descent into agony for Moose and Squirrel...plus it gave me the creeps regarding the Millennium Bug to a ridiculous degree! To this day I'm unable to re-read it because it freaks me out so much I can't sleep.[2]
