Just Enough

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Title: Just Enough
Author(s): Charlotte Frost
Date(s): 2005
Genre(s): slash
Fandom(s): Starsky & Hutch
External Links: online here

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Just Enough is a slash Starsky & Hutch story by Charlotte Frost.


"A life event shakes the status quo for Starsky and Hutch."

The Author Comments

When I decided, in 1999, that Heart and Soul 6 was going to be my last fanzine and I was no longer going to write in the S&H fandom, I had all sorts of WIPs of various lengths in the computer. Unlike my prior fandom – where I was determined to turn everything I’d ever written into a published story – I had grown accustomed to not treating everything I wrote as gold. Therefore, I was pretty okay that the WIPs were never going to be read.

But the one regret I had was that I was some 50 pages into a new novel, and I really liked how it was going. I loved what I had written so far, so it bothered me that no one, other than a good friend whom I’d shared my WIPs with, was ever going to know about the story. In late 2004, my friend mentioned that she would really like to see the story on the Me and Thee Archive, where she had recently posted my prior stories (with my permission, of course). I told her I would like to do that, but there was no way I was going to finish the story (I was well into Sentinel fandom then), so I didn’t see how it was possible. She felt the WIP could read as a finished story, especially with a note to the readers that it was originally intended to be a novel.

So, I agreed and my friend posted the story with the title “Just Enough”.

After one has written dozens of stories in a fandom, it’s difficult to come up with a new idea. So, I remember feeling really good about this story as I was writing. I think I still managed to come up with some fresh stuff. I remember particularly wanting to write something that tied to fourth season “Strange Justice” – mainly because of Hutch’s expression after the climatic shootout (though I don’t remember that much about it now), and I’d always wanted to do something with one of the guys having a girlfriend who got pregnant.

Beyond that, I really liked the scene in the boat, and how they have a sexual encounter on shore. And then I liked how, when they returned to the cabin, one of the guys (I don’t even remember which one) felt “pursued” by the other. I thought that all worked very well.

So, I was very glad that this story finally got read. My friend reported to me that lots of readers responded enthusiastically to it. My only regret is that not one of those readers would email me directly; they all wanted to share their thoughts with my friend, not with me (though my email address was provided for feedback). The only feedback I recall seeing on the story was one email that was forwarded to me from my friend, with permission. [1]

In late 2004, after I had moved on to The Sentinel fandom, a good fan friend approached me about the idea of putting an SH unfinished novella on the now-defunct Me and Thee Archive. I really loved what I'd written, thus far, on that novel, so I liked the idea that others would be able to read it, though it wouldn't ever be finished. It stopped in a natural place, and with a notation to readers that the story was intended to be a novel that was never completed, that story was posted at the beginning of 2005 with the title "Just Enough". [2]

Reactions and Reviews

Something that Charlotte Frost does really well is taking care of the little details and bringing the boys to life by use of the mundane. In this story, Starsky gets a scare when he learns his girlfriend is pregnant. The best part of this story is the gradual way he and Hutch come together. The reader feels each and every little nuance as their relationship takes a turn into intimacy. [3]


  1. ^ by Charlotte Frost at Stories I Have Known, accessed December 17, 2012
  2. ^ A Chronology of Relationships, posted September 2013; WebCite
  3. ^ a 2012 rec at Crack Van