It may be a side effect of the exposure, but i am thinking it's meant to be

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Title: it may be a side effect of the exposure, but i am thinking it's meant to be
Author(s): thirdonebetween
Date(s): Oct 31, 2007
Length: 5,821 words
Genre(s): High School AU, Romance
Fandom(s): Fall Out Boy
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it may be a side effect of the exposure, but i am thinking it's meant to be is a Peterick fic by thirdonebetween.

Reactions and Reviews

I read this before I went to bed several hours ago, and was a little too sleepy to comment. Thanks to insomnia, I just read it a second time, and it really is one of my favorite fics I've read in a long time. You have their voice down so well, so believable, and the texting was funny and painful at times (poor insecure Pete!), but it really made the whole thing perfect.


This is wonderful. And there was one part I totally related to - the texting. Before my boyfriend and I got together he would text me things like that, and I'd go around with a grind on my face like Patrick. That just made this all more real to me. That and this is totally something that would happen.


dude i have re-read this shit over and over again i re read it like everymonth its a goal of mine. so thank you and like last night i had a dream about it its amazing and your amazing and petericks are amazing i love every thing joe says i piss myself every time i read his lines they are just that hilarious


This is a fantastic story from the earlier days. Patrick's still in high school and only beginning to understand Pete Wentz.


I’m obsessed with this; it’s my favorite thing ever

