It Was Real for the Children

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Title: It Was Real for the Children
Author(s): Adrian Morgan and Ann Wortham
Date(s): January 1993
Genre(s): slash
Fandom(s): Blake's 7
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It Was Real for the Children is a Blake's 7 story by Adrian Morgan and Ann Wortham.

It was published in Fire and Ice #2.

Reactions and Reviews

AU of 'Terminal' in which all the Scorpio crew (and Blake) experience series 4 as a dream. This device could easily just be used as a way of escaping the plot events of the narrative - instead, it's used here as a way for Blake and Avon to learn about each other by observing each other's actions. Their reunion in the wake of this knowledge is beautifully done.[1]

Short PGP It Was All A Dream thing.[2]

Phew, OK, I like this one without reservation. At last! This zine had been hard going. Anyway, this time the plot is that series 4 was all a dream (a familiar plot, but that doesn't mean I've seen it done well that often), and Blake really was at Terminal. It's a really short thing and Blake and Avon only talk for less than the space of one page - but that conversation is beautifully pitched, and seems to me to be absolutely the best reading of series 4 that there could be. I wouldn't say buy this zine just for this fic (unless you want to buy the zine from me, in which case - my rat[e]s are low and I do combine shipping as long as Royal Mail is being reasonable), but it is a very good fic and well done.[3]

I need this one explained to me.[4]
