It's the Thought That Counts (Blake's 7 story)

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Title: It's the Thought That Counts
Author(s): S. Lewis
Date(s): 1994
Fandom(s): Blake's 7
External Links: It's the Thought That Counts at Liberated

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It's the Thought That Counts is a Blake's 7 story by S. Lewis.

It was published in Avon Calling #3 and is part of the mini-zine in that issue called "Perchance to Dream."

Reactions and Reviews

As this is set in the Legends Universe, after the chaps have Found Each Other, the nearest thing to angst is whether Kerr will get back for Roj's birthday, but if you're in the mood for sweet, it's sweet. Aaaaah.[1]

Entertaining, lightweight, post-"Careless Whispers" story. A nice bit of sweetness and light before the next tale.[2]

OK, so I'm afraid I do quite like this one (I do by nature err towards the Floods of Tears, rather than the Psychological Scarring). Just as I have my least favourite tropes, so too I have my favourite tropes, and unfortunately Blake as President is one of them ('Careless Whispers' had to work quite hard to make me dislike it), as is 'attractive and powerful men whinging about their age/other minor complaints that are very mockable' (N.B. this is nothing to do with B7 at all, but after learning the other day that Black Widow is about 100+, I am now envisioning a scenario where Tony is upset to be turning 40 and the other Avengers are like, sorry, what was that? [Didst thou say forty thousand? asks Thor] Except Hawkeye, who's like - sucks to be you, Tony. I'm YOUNG ahahahahaha). Anyway, so it's short, it's cute, I liked it.[3]
